Well, we got this issue out a few days late, but it is our best one yet and a bit over the standard page count at 44 pages instead of 40. This issue also introduces a new TME writer to the team: Graeme Hallett, plus, we had some special editorial help with a few articles from Audrey Deutschmann. Thanks very much to them both, as well as to game designer Danny Seedhouse for his excellent insights and opinions on the magazine.
Here is the promo text we've been using to promote issue 3....
How do your post-apocalyptic heroes know each other?
Issue 3 presents a robust article on dozens of possible ways in which characters meet up prior to the beginning of game play. We also present the Fixed Value Allotment method of character generation, two wicked NPCs, two new relics: Landmine Detection coil and Advanced Grenade
Launcher, along with three nasty creatures: The Devil Spider, Mutant Perch and Jaw Crawler. Other articles include Outfitting a Post Apocalyptic Army, Silver Coins & Ancient Currency, Character Type Rotation and Similarity, another great treasure table and much more.
Excavator Monthly is the official magazine for The Mutant Epoch milieu, covering the TME RPG, fiction, art and more. Not using the Outland System? No worries, there is a ton here that any post apocalyptic GM can utilize.
This issue includes:
2 NPCs 3 New Creatures 2 New relics 1 Treasure Table
1 Character generation system (Fixed Value Allotment)
24 illustrations & 1 Map 44 Pages