Sunday, February 9, 2025

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, Writing by Colin Chapman

Centipedoids are truly voracious predators and will willingly attack and devour any animal that looks like it can be easily overcome, intelligent or otherwise. Because they are swift, aggressive, poison-armed carnivores, humans hate them. Only by being accompanied by more human appearing individuals, promising to stay in the team’s quarters, and by paying guards a bribe (40+2d20sp) will they be allowed into a human settlement. In most cases, any militia will simply attack them.

Man-centipedes are equipped with poisonous forcipules, modified front limbs just under the head that can deliver a terrible sting. This attack is SV +10/ DMG 1d12+1, and injects a Type A death poison. It produces enough poison to inject victims 6 times in a 24-hour period.

Watch a video intro of this new book at RPG Overviews on Youtube:

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 #humanoidanimal #roleplayinggame #indiegame

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Bestial Human Butterfly

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, Writing by Colin Chapman

While most other bug-humans are shunned by human communities, if not actively reviled or hunted, the bestial humanoid butterfly enjoys at least some acceptance. Although no bug-human can claim to be truly beautiful, the humanoid butterfly has the benefit of large, elegant, brightly patterned wings to help offset its inhuman appearance. Combined with its herbivorous diet, lack of natural weapons, and unpalatable nature, it is not seen as a threat or a potential meal.

Curious? Learn more here:

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 #humanoidanimal #roleplayinggame #indiegame

Friday, February 7, 2025

Bestial Human Beetle

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, Writing by Colin Chapman

Heavily-armored with a tough carapace, humanoid beetles are cumbersome compared to other bug-humans, even for those that can fly, and this leads many individuals to erroneously assume they are also even more dim-witted than other bug-humans. This fallacy, together with the fact that many beetles are herbivores and sometimes sport attractive metallic or patterned exoskeletons, means that these bestial humans are marginally better regarded by humans than most other bug-humans.

Art from the Mutant Epoch Expansion Rules book.

Come say hello at this EN World thread:

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Bestial Human Beaver

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, Writing by Colin Chapman

These rodentoids are much larger and heavier than bestial human rats, and are distinguishable at a glance thanks to their webbed feet and large, flat, paddle-like tails. A bestial humanoid beaver’s thick waterproof fur and layer of body fat enables it to endure cold conditions easily, even without winter clothing, and it is an excellent swimmer (10m), able to hold its breath for up to 9 minutes above or below water.

Watch a video intro of this new book at RPG Overviews on Youtube:

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Bestial Human Bat

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, Writing by Colin Chapman

Man-bats are typically ugly with faces and noses creased and furrowed in strange ways, leathery wing-arms, and sharp little teeth (SV +7/ DMG 1d10), and even though only a small minority are vampiric, this reputation colors the rest of them. For this reason they are prohibited from entering human communities, unless accompanied by more human looking individuals, promise to stay secluded in personal quarters, and by paying guards significant bribes (30+1d20sp) will they ever be granted access to a human community.

Check it out: or 


New to the Mutant Epoch RPG? 

Grab the free quick Start rules PDF and the included Adventure, ‘Muddy Mayhem’:

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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Bestial Humans Set Two


This collection continues on from the ‘manimals’ included in the Mutant Epoch Hub Rules, pages 24 to 33. New for the expansion rules is the chance for some bestial humans to be fitted with cybernetic implants, although for already mutated bestials there is only a 1 in 20 chance that they are also enhanced, while non-mutated bestials have a 1 in 10 chance of being a cyborg. Any bestial human cyborg will feature 1 each of offensive, defensive and miscellaneous implants from the random table on page 330 of this book.

A special thanks go out to all those in the Epochian Community who, over the years contributed many of these new bestial human types, added suggestions and feedback. I’d like to thank Blood Axe, Colin Chapman, C.H.U.D., Matthew Fisher, and Corryn. You’re the best. Where two names are listed beside the bestial human strain, it means two gamers contributed to this bestial human entry and the stats and write-ups were combined to the best of my ability. WM

You can play these bestial human critters using the new rule book.

Check it out:

New to the Mutant Epoch RPG? Grab the free quick Start rules PDF and the included Adventure, ‘Muddy Mayhem’:

All the best,


 characters, noaiart, william mcausland, wasteland, post-apocalyptic, the mutant epoch, outland system, outland arts, mutants, mutant, epoch, ink artist, wasteland weekend, Kamloops artist, apocalyptic, fallout, like, gamma world, humanoid animal, roleplaying game,