Sunday, March 16, 2025

Bestial Human Komodo Dragon Monitor Lizard


Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Corryn and W. McAusland

There is a chance that this monitor lizard is instead sourced from the largest of their kind, a true monster that is sure to terrorize the populace of any new era town. Such a beast-man will only be allowed admittance if it grew up there, or the leaders of the community permit the hulking specimen to roam their streets on promises of the best behavior. On a roll of 10, on a 1d10, any monitor lizard bestial human is actually hybridized with a Komodo Dragon. If so, it will have these stats instead of those shown on page XR-58: END +35, STR +15, AG+10, INT 1d20+5, Will +22, PER +19, APP 3+d8, DV -20, Weight 100+d100kg, Height/Length 175+2d100 tail is 50% of body length.

Komodo dragon bestials can add a claw attack at +10 SV doing 1d12 damage, their tail slap on up to three closely packed, separate targets at its rear or either side is SV +14 for 1d20+4 stun damage, while its massive bite inflicts a SV +18 and does 1d20 lethal damage plus venom. 

See a huge art gallery from this book:

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