Monday, March 3, 2025

Bestial Human Gull

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Colin Chapman

Raucous, canny, and carnivorous, bestial human gulls are opportunistic individuals, intent to hunt, scavenge, and steal whatever they desire. This reputation, combined with their mob mentality and aggression, makes them unwelcome in human communities, and they may find entry difficult even if accompanied by humans and human mutants.

Humanoid gulls can fly with their wing-arms (22m per round), using their misshapen hands, which protrude from their wings, to either drop ordinance or employ a one handed weapon. They can use a bow, rifle or other two-handed weapon while in the air, but must cease flapping their wings while doing so and begin plummeting to the ground at a rate of 10m per round, so typically try to get plenty of elevation before initiating this risky tactic.

New to the Mutant Epoch RPG? 

Grab the free quick Start rules PDF and the included Adventure, ‘Muddy Mayhem’:

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Bestial Human Grasshopper

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Colin Chapman

The bestial human grasshopper is herbivorous and relatively inoffensive, but is still regarded with distrust by humans due to the tendency of these mutants to sometimes enter frenzied feeding phases as a locust, devouring vast quantities of valuable foodstuffs. They are only permitted entry to human communities if accompanied by trusted humans or mutant humans, and even then they will be instructed to keep away from human food supplies and crops on pain of death. 

For their part, hopperoids are fearful of many predatory species, and because of their tasty, nutritious nature, are often seen as potential food by many other creatures, including some humans.

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 #humanoidanimal #roleplayinggame #indiegame

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Bestial Human Gorilla

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Colin Chapman

With their heavy fur, squat, muscular physiques, and wicked canines, bestial human gorillas cannot pass for hairy humans like humanoid chimpanzees can, and possess even more of a tendency to knuckle-walk than their pan troglodyte relatives.

Despite being more powerful and less human than chimpanzee-men, gorilla-men are quieter and less aggressive, and while omnivorous, are far more inclined to a mostly vegetarian diet too. This gentle aspect vanishes, however, when violence is needed, and humanoid gorillas are devastating in melee. They can make three attacks per round, one bite (SV +8/ DMG 1d12) and two powerful punches (SV +6/ DMG 1d12 instead of the normal human 1d6), with both accuracy and strength modifiers applied to these attacks as normal for any character or creature.

Hand drawn ink art from The Mutant Epoch RPG Expansion Rules book

Check it out here:

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Bestial Human Goat

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, Writing by Colin Chapman 
[40% Chance actually a bestial human sheep.]

Despite being herbivorous, bestial human goats and sheep will attempt to eat nearly anything once, and can derive sustenance from nearly any non-toxic plant-derived substance including cardboard. Humanoid sheep have returned to their wild roots physically, and both sheep-men and goat-men are surprisingly agile and sure-footed.
 Thanks to their thick hair or fleece, they can withstand cold conditions twice as well as a human, even without winter clothing. The males of both species of humanoids also sport horns capable of delivering a bone-crunching head butt (SV +10/ DMG 1d12, double damage if allowed to charge from 6m or more). Nannies and ewes only possess horns 50% of the time, unless the GM specifies that both genders exhibit horns equally. Their wariness and keen senses provide them with a +1 initiative bonus.

Ink illustration from The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. Learn about this game book at or

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Bestial Human Gecko

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Colin Chapman

Bestial human geckos are active predators, and despite their relatively small size, instinctively frighten bug-men, especially humanoid spiders and scorpions. They have effective bites (SV +7/ DMG 1d10), but most impressively can cling to any surface. They can climb up, or down, or along, anything, even glass, at their normal movement rate. Additionally, they can hang on a ceiling of rough material for one round per current point of strength. The gecko-man can also make a type A, agility based hazard check once for every 5 meters dropped to catch the side of a building or pit or other wall after falling into a pit or jumping off a structure. A GM may allow the use of this ability when a geckoid leaps onto the back of a huge beast or passing vehicle, making an agility based hazard check in accordance with the difficulty of the task. Humanoid geckos may only use this ability if they keep their hands and feet bare. or

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 #humanoidanimal #roleplayinggame #indiegame

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Bestial Human Fly

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Colin Chapman

Of all the bug-humans, the bestial humanoid fly is the most repugnant, considered even more repellent than man-cockroaches. This disgust is with good reason too; not only are humanoid-flies truly ugly, but they defecate constantly, buzz loudly, and possess truly vile eating habits, vomiting and drooling on food to pre-digest it before eating. That they also favor decaying organic matter such as feces for their diet simply adds an extra layer of disgust to a creature already considered grossly unappealing.

 Even the most tolerant of trading towns will refuse them entry 90% of the time, and when they are accepted they must still pay a hefty entrance fee ahead of time (40+2d12sp) along with a promise to avoid public places and especially avoid eating in public. or

Monday, February 17, 2025

Bestial Human Duck

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Colin Chapman

Humanoid ducks can fly with their wing-arms (20m per round), using their misshapen hands, which protrude from their wings, to either drop ordinance or employ a one handed weapon. They can use a bow, rifle or other two-handed weapon while in the air, but must bring their wings close together, stop flapping and drop at a rate of 10m per round, so typically try to get plenty of elevation before initiating this risky tactic.

 Typically, a humanoid duck will avoid a melee fight with heavier boned, larger foes and instead fly up out of enemy reach and perch some place high to fire down on its adversaries.

Ink illustration from The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. Learn about this game book at or

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Bestial Human Chicken

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Colin Chapman & Blood Axe

Among the most widespread bird-men around, bestial human chickens owe their survival and success to their huge numbers before the apocalypse, their social nature, a truly varied diet, stubbornness, and the aggression of the roosters.
 Seeds, rodents, bugs, lizards, they will literally try their hand at eating anything remotely edible, and are equipped with sharp beaks (SV +7/ DMG 1d10). Roosters have sharp claws and spurs and use them in a leaping flurry of kicks (SV +15/ DMG 1d20) which they can do every third round. No small number have become gladiators, lending a whole new spin to the old sport of cockfighting. 1 in 6 NPC bestial human chickens are roosters, although as player characters, the player decides their sex.

Check out the TME Expansion Rules at our homepage. Also see a 9 page sample pdf!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Bestial Human Chameleon

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Colin Chapman

Slow moving but patient, bestial human chameleons eat meat, particularly enjoying bug meat, whether from a sapient foe or otherwise. They use their ability to change color to blend into their surroundings (see skills, ‘conceal self’ or ‘concealed movement’ as skill point 4 on page 51 of the hub rules) when near naked, and have effective bites (SV+7/ DMG 1d10).

Their tongues can be shot once every two rounds, out to four times their own height and on a strike adhere to a target. The target need not be a smaller food animal; instead it could be a passing vehicle or large animal, an enemy’s hand held weapon, or the ceiling of a structure. In every case, a successful strike must be made with the projectile tongue being SV +10, doing only 1d6 stun damage on a strike, but allowing the chameleon to pull smaller creatures which weigh less than itself to its mouth.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, Writing by Colin Chapman

Centipedoids are truly voracious predators and will willingly attack and devour any animal that looks like it can be easily overcome, intelligent or otherwise. Because they are swift, aggressive, poison-armed carnivores, humans hate them. Only by being accompanied by more human appearing individuals, promising to stay in the team’s quarters, and by paying guards a bribe (40+2d20sp) will they be allowed into a human settlement. In most cases, any militia will simply attack them.

Man-centipedes are equipped with poisonous forcipules, modified front limbs just under the head that can deliver a terrible sting. This attack is SV +10/ DMG 1d12+1, and injects a Type A death poison. It produces enough poison to inject victims 6 times in a 24-hour period.

Watch a video intro of this new book at RPG Overviews on Youtube:

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 #humanoidanimal #roleplayinggame #indiegame

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Bestial Human Butterfly

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, Writing by Colin Chapman

While most other bug-humans are shunned by human communities, if not actively reviled or hunted, the bestial humanoid butterfly enjoys at least some acceptance. Although no bug-human can claim to be truly beautiful, the humanoid butterfly has the benefit of large, elegant, brightly patterned wings to help offset its inhuman appearance. Combined with its herbivorous diet, lack of natural weapons, and unpalatable nature, it is not seen as a threat or a potential meal.

Curious? Learn more here:

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 #humanoidanimal #roleplayinggame #indiegame

Friday, February 7, 2025

Bestial Human Beetle

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, Writing by Colin Chapman

Heavily-armored with a tough carapace, humanoid beetles are cumbersome compared to other bug-humans, even for those that can fly, and this leads many individuals to erroneously assume they are also even more dim-witted than other bug-humans. This fallacy, together with the fact that many beetles are herbivores and sometimes sport attractive metallic or patterned exoskeletons, means that these bestial humans are marginally better regarded by humans than most other bug-humans.

Art from the Mutant Epoch Expansion Rules book.

Come say hello at this EN World thread:

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Bestial Human Beaver

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, Writing by Colin Chapman

These rodentoids are much larger and heavier than bestial human rats, and are distinguishable at a glance thanks to their webbed feet and large, flat, paddle-like tails. A bestial humanoid beaver’s thick waterproof fur and layer of body fat enables it to endure cold conditions easily, even without winter clothing, and it is an excellent swimmer (10m), able to hold its breath for up to 9 minutes above or below water.

Watch a video intro of this new book at RPG Overviews on Youtube:

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Bestial Human Bat

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, Writing by Colin Chapman

Man-bats are typically ugly with faces and noses creased and furrowed in strange ways, leathery wing-arms, and sharp little teeth (SV +7/ DMG 1d10), and even though only a small minority are vampiric, this reputation colors the rest of them. For this reason they are prohibited from entering human communities, unless accompanied by more human looking individuals, promise to stay secluded in personal quarters, and by paying guards significant bribes (30+1d20sp) will they ever be granted access to a human community.

Check it out: or 


New to the Mutant Epoch RPG? 

Grab the free quick Start rules PDF and the included Adventure, ‘Muddy Mayhem’:

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 #humanoidanimal #roleplayinggame #indiegame

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Bestial Humans Set Two


This collection continues on from the ‘manimals’ included in the Mutant Epoch Hub Rules, pages 24 to 33. New for the expansion rules is the chance for some bestial humans to be fitted with cybernetic implants, although for already mutated bestials there is only a 1 in 20 chance that they are also enhanced, while non-mutated bestials have a 1 in 10 chance of being a cyborg. Any bestial human cyborg will feature 1 each of offensive, defensive and miscellaneous implants from the random table on page 330 of this book.

A special thanks go out to all those in the Epochian Community who, over the years contributed many of these new bestial human types, added suggestions and feedback. I’d like to thank Blood Axe, Colin Chapman, C.H.U.D., Matthew Fisher, and Corryn. You’re the best. Where two names are listed beside the bestial human strain, it means two gamers contributed to this bestial human entry and the stats and write-ups were combined to the best of my ability. WM

You can play these bestial human critters using the new rule book.

Check it out:

New to the Mutant Epoch RPG? Grab the free quick Start rules PDF and the included Adventure, ‘Muddy Mayhem’:

All the best,


 characters, noaiart, william mcausland, wasteland, post-apocalyptic, the mutant epoch, outland system, outland arts, mutants, mutant, epoch, ink artist, wasteland weekend, Kamloops artist, apocalyptic, fallout, like, gamma world, humanoid animal, roleplaying game,

Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Android Bounty Hunter

Example of Pre-Game Castes: Military, Covert

Roll a twenty sided dice to discover your android’s pre-game career:

Roll 1d20: 1. Bounty Hunter / 2. Bunker Dweller / 3. Junk-Doctor / 4. Repairer / 5. Scavenger / 6. Technician, Cybernetic / 7. Wastelander / 8. Slave, Laborer / 9. Slave, Gladiator / 10. Nomad / 11. Trader / 12. Crafts person / 13. Technician / 14. Street Thug / 15. Raider / 16. Pirate / 17. Thief  / 18.19. Assassin / 20. Mercenary

Ink art from page 56 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book.  Learn about this game book at or

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Friday, January 24, 2025

 Unique Android Pre-Game Castes

In most cases, an android character has made its way in the post-apocalyptic world by performing some task, earning a wage, or being supplied with sufficient recharge access, lubricants, repairs and shelter in return for whatever enslavement, assignment, labor or freelance occupation it conducted. During its time in this occupation or caste it might well have suffered permanent damage due to abuse or injuries, but so too, gained new experiences, skills, and improvements to its cognitive and physical abilities.

Ink art from page 55 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. 

Learn about this tabletop roleplaying Game, and grab our free Quick Start Rules PDF here:

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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Android Special Features

From the book: “As a character, a unique android will have random traits, skills, implants and potential features according to the tables that follow. All androids can read, write and do math. At first, androids can appear to be complex, hard to generate characters based on the extensive amount of PC creation material presented on the next 29 pages, however, creating one is really quite simple and involves one or more rolls on each of the tables to follow.”

Ink art from page 52, 53 and 54 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. 

 Learn about this game book at or

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 like, gamma world, or, fallout, or, mcc, or, mutant crawl classics, ink art, 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Android Handedness

Androids, especially advanced or physically active varieties, have a much higher likelihood of being ambidextrous than human or mutant human characters do. Roll 1d10 on the following table at character generation, however, medical, technician, scientific and military android categories all gain +2 on the following 1d10 roll.

Table XR-51/ Android Handedness, Roll 1d10

1-3. Left Handed

4-9. Right Handed

10+. Ambidextrous

Ink art from page 51 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book.

See a huge art gallery from this book:

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Android’s Hair

Androids normally come standard with stitched on nylon wigs, although many military models are entirely bald.

Ink art from page 51 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. 

Learn about this tabletop roleplaying Game, and grab our free Quick Start Rules PDF from the link here:

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Monday, January 20, 2025

Android Auditory Capabilities

 Android Auditory Capabilities Table Roll 1d10

1-3. Damaged: One auditory receptor damaged, but it can be replaced if a spare hearing module is inserted by a robotics technician. This android hears only half as well as a human and suffers -1 initiative until repaired. 

4-5. Normal Human: This android can hear as well as a human.

6,7. Double Human: This model can hear twice as well as a regular person.

8. Double Enhanced: Besides being able to hear twice as well as a normal human, this android can also detect the subtle sound of servo motors in another mechanical being, especially if there are few other sounds. For example, if another android, when disguised as a human walks passed in a saloon or back street, this character would detect it.

9. Extreme Hearing: Can hear four times as well as a human, and with such splendid hearing, this android gains +1 initiative.

10. Extreme Plus Radio Reception: Besides being able to hear four times better than a regular human, and so gain +1 initiative, this android can also switch to a receptor mode and detect the feint transmissions of various radio communications, broadcasts and Mecha chatter. It cannot, however, understand the Mecha encrypted messages, but can tell if they are far away, or within a kilometer or less.

Ink art from page 50 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. 

Learn about this tabletop roleplaying Game, and grab our free Quick Start Rules PDF here:

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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sensory Capabilities of Unique Androids: Sight

At the minimum, unique androids have all the same sensory receptors as pure stock humans, but often one or more of these senses are heightened or exhibit additional capabilities. 

Table XR-39/ Android Sight Capabilities*  Roll 1d10

1-4. Normal human visual capabilities.

5. Normal human vision plus can project illumination as twin pocket flashlights at will to a maximum usage of 120 minutes per 24-hour period. Range 20m.

6. Normal human vision plus radiation detection mode: When engaged, this android can see areas and objects contaminated with radiation within 100 meters.

7. Improved human vision: Can see 50% further than a human, plus limited night Vision to 6 meters

8. Extended Vision: Can see twice as far as a human, as well as limited night vision to 20 meters, and discern augmented reality holograms. Learn more about Augmented Reality on page XR-477 of this book.

9. Night vision to 60m plus has daylight use binocular eyes x 25 magnification.

10. Advanced eyes: Roll 1d6: 1,2. Night vision to 100m / 3. Optical enhancement set 1 from the hub rules on page TME-89 / 4. Optical enhancement Set 2, from page XR-342, this book. / 5. Stun beam eye as stun pistol but recharges 20 shots max per day: SV +16, DMG 2d20 stun, range 200m, rate 1. / 6. Laser eye, as a laser pistol but max 20 shots per day and recharges from the android’s built-in system: SV +16, DMG 1d20+10, rate 1, range 500m.

Ink art from page 49 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book.

Learn about this tabletop roleplaying Game, and grab our free Quick Start Rules PDF at