Monday, January 6, 2025

Heavy Combat Military Android ink art

Once widely deployed on the sides of Mecha and human factions of old, their large size made them stand out, and so receive unwanted attention and multiple incoming rounds. Few of these brutes now walk the twisted world of The Mutant Epoch, but those that do are much feared, well respected, and incredibly valuable assets to any wasteland warlord or dig team. They stand at least a foot (30cm) taller than a large man, are broad of chest and shoulder and have enormous, cable knotted muscles.

Ink illustration for page 42 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. Learn about this game book at or

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Sunday, January 5, 2025

Grunt Military Android


By far these are the most common military androids ever made, and easily the most frequently discovered variant in the post-apocalyptic new era. Built solid, with access to plenty of spare parts from all those of their classification who fell in long ago battles, they exhibit an ideal balance of ruggedness, speed and talent to bring the hurt to the enemy. Unique specimens of this type make for exceptional excavators and can appear as males or females, are always modeled after well built human specimens of larger than average size, and besides the hand signaling, Morse Code and navigate by stars skills that all military androids already start with, these units begin operations with 6 skill point rolls.

Ink illustration for page 42 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. Learn about this game book at or

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Saturday, January 4, 2025

Sniper Military Android

As their name implies, these stealthy, modestly sized units appear as males or females of exceptional fitness, although not large and so are more easily able to blend in with a civilian population. Masters of camouflage, concealment and marksmanship, these deadly units make for exceptional new era excavators. Each has 1d4 skill points in each of the following skills: stealth, Lock picking, tracking, climbing and the sniper skill. 77% of these units have built in standard communicator in their heads and like the covert android, can carry on conversations within their head with other operators without being heard by nearby personnel. Sniper androids have built in telescopic vision with which they can see 40 times further than a human by day and 10 x further at night, with advanced night vision optics built into their eyes.

Ink illustration for page 42 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. Learn about this game book at See an YouTube overview video here:

Unboxing our new laser Printer

My new not-so secret weapon for 2025! 

After reading and watching tons of reviews, and aghast at the cost of getting copies done at the copy centre, I went with the Brother HL-L2460DW monochrome #laserprinter. I have a workhorse of a large format scanner by Brother and am thrilled with it, so going to go with them again. We have so many books and supplements to do in the year ahead, and so need to tackle these endeavors head on.