Friday, June 26, 2020

Wizard of the Wastes released!

Just Released! One Day Dig 9:: Wizard of the Wastes

A diabolical wasteland wizard
A village enslaved
An island fortress and its steel clad protectors

Heroics await! Far from the local digger fort, accessible via an old subway tunnel, an intrepid villager named Tuvor gains the help of the excavators to liberate Shell Village from the ruthless domination by an evil Wizard of the Wastes. What perils await the characters in the subway lines beneath the mountains, or in the in confines of the sorcerer's island redoubt known as Fantasyland?

This is our 9th One Day Dig for The Mutant Epoch RPG, written by Rey Rodriguez, and is suitable for five to eight characters of 1st or 2nd rank and can be placed in the Crossroads Region or the Game Masters's own setting.

It includes 3 maps, 11 illustrations, and is 15 pages in length.

Stand by, Epochians, for yet more post-apocalyptic gaming goodness from Outland Arts.

You can this Pay What You Want PDF here at here:

William McAusland
Creator of the Mutant Epoch RPG

Here is the art without any text. Its an 8.5 x 11' acrylic painting and took about 5 days ( 3 to 6 hour shifts)

And here are a few snaps from the work in progress....

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Wizards of the Wastes and Dog Daze on their way!

From our Coming Soon page

 June 15th 2020

Here we see the old artograph projecting the sketches on illustration board for two hand-painted adventure covers. One is for Wizards of the Wastes, and the other for Dog Daze.

Wizard of the Wastes is by Rey Rodriquez and is a one day dig.
I just finished the pencil art for the interior inks today and hope to start the cover painting tomorrow.

Dog Daze is by yours truly, William McAusland, and a revamp of an old solo play adventure I crafted a decade ago when doing the early playtests for the Outland System. Its gonna be a very affordable single character, single-player adventure, and designed for solo play. I'm just on the last scene encounters write-ups for this one.

Why solo play?
I had this idea that a solo play adventure would be great these days of the pandemic, when you might not be able to get together with your usual gaming group, or like many of you are new to the Mutant Epoch RPG and want to take it for a spin. One GM could also run this for a single player, likewise, with some tweaking to the encounter strength, a game master could easily convert this to a regular multiplayer adventure.

The Mutant Epoch Expansion Rules are still in the works. With my retinal Detachment, I have been set back greatly, and find that I am unable to work in oils on the cover and have also projected the image again and will attempt the cover using acrylics like the above two images.
 I have been unable to see my eye doctor because of the whole Covid-19 thing, but do have an appointment lined up and am hoping to either get glasses or a new contact lens system that will allow me to spend more time illustrating without the eye strain and difficulties that have hampered production so profoundly.

A thousand apologies for the delay,