Flyoid, one of the all new, never before seen nasty freaks in our latest book: Monday Mutants Bestiary.
Pitford Bar Fight
Full page ink art for the Assorted Tables section of the Pitford community sourcebook, page 144.
Here you’ll find the Sample Rumour Table, Weather Conditions Table, encounter tables for street level, Basement tier, Topside, camping outside the walls, as well as a vast table for random patrons, staff and events in saloons.
Airship over the ABO Greenhouse
Visible from afar by the gleam of the sun by day or reclaimed grow lights at night, the municipal greenhouse of Pitford rises above the fort’s topside.
Ink art from page 141 of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins
North Gate of Pitford
This gate actually faces northwest, as does the dusty road which meanders off toward the Arcola Ramps and Great Ruins beyond. Seen here are the flanking forts of the elite Northern Freehold Scouts. Art from page 138 of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins.
Questioned by the Gate Officer
A Pitford watchman asks your character a few questions before admitting them into the digger fort. A 2d10 table on pages 134 to 137 offers random questions, with mutant visitors rolling -2 and cyborgs +2 for the resulting inquiring. To be denied admittance means sleeping outside - a dangerous prospect.
South Gate
An armored freight wagon arrives at Pitford before the portal is locked up for the night. Overlooking this busy entrance point are stout fortifications, with musketeers and a belt fed chaingun at the ready.
Knife Dealer in the Municipal jail
He’ll trade one rusty blade for almost anything you got to offer, including weed, joy beans, kicker berries, female companionship, or to be included in any escape plot. From page 132 of the Pitford sourcebook.
Your Grumpy Cellmate
So you’ve ended up in Pitford’s Municipal Jail. Here’s your character’s welcoming committee!
From Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins for The Mutant Epoch tabletop RPG. Grab a sample PDF tonight! Link in bio.

Municipal Water Supply Alpha
Imported and rain collected water is stored throughout Pitford, but never in sufficient quantities. This facility however stores between 6000 and 9000 litres of certified drinking water, enough to supply the militia for a few days. As for your characters and everybody else? Well, make sure you bring enough from Overpass to last your stay and any expeditions into the nearby Great Ruins.
The Howitzer at Gun Deck Enterprise
Impressive, right? The thing is, rumor has it that the Pitford authorities are down to their last shell. They need excavators to scour the Old War Zone to find more ammo for this beauty. Art from page 126 of:
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #fortress #fort #howitzer #gun #pewpew #cannon #artillary

Chaingun Cage
Situated on the town’s western wall near the Quest Path Apartments, sits Gun Station Troy. The cage is necessary due to the frequent incursions of flying mutie predators.
From page 125 of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #fortress #fort #minigun #gattlinggun #chaingun
Gunnery Fort OmegaThis structure is built into Pitford’s western side and dominated by four medieval style trebuchet, and a rotating, steel encased shack. Within this shack is a single laser cannon which serves as the primary weapon system against hostile airships, scrap-tanks or lumbering mutant beasts.
Community militia occupy the eastern wall of Pitford. The constant threat of attack by denizens of the nearby Great Ruins requires steadfast vigilance. Troops here are armed with smooth bore muskets, ballista and a relic machine gun in a caged hand crank turret. Art from page 121 of this RPG sourcebook.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #fortress #fort #militia #soldier #defender #vigilance #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
The Oily Pool
Beneath the streets of Pitford, this bitter tasting pool is often the sole source of water for the unfortunates who dwell in the basement tier. It is said that something lives in this dark ooze, something that snatches the unwary. Art from page 120 of:
The Hole
Beneath Pitford’s street level and east of the walls, this steel plated pit is guarded day and night by the Town Watch. A shaft below this opening leads down to uncharted hallways and chambers, a place of untold mutant horrors and mad machines. This off-limits area is referred to as ‘the cork to hell’.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #hole #pit #shaft #underdark #bunker
The Basement Level
Beneath the main streets of Pitford is the vast basement tier. In these depths, live the common folk, servers, impoverished, and the broken excavators who never made their fortune in the nearby ruins.
Splash art from page 114 of Pitford: Gateway To The Ruins for The Mutant Epoch RPG.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #underground #basement #underdark #bunker

Got Mutants?
A square banner ad back from the days when I paid monthly for a whole fleet of ads to plaster the world’s RPG forums. Hope to get back to those in a month or so when Dog Daze is ready to hit the market. I only got 50 more Inks to go out of 205!
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #bannerads #gotmutants #bluehaired #mutantess #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Encounter on the Topside
Your team is discovered on Pitford’s off-limit rooftop. Who are those people? Town Watch, robbers, or just another dig team using the domed shell of the fortress to travel quickly from point A to B?
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #rooftop #dome #encounter #night #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Exploring Pitford’s Topside
Off-limits to unauthorized personnel, the junk plated, dome-like roof of Pitford has many known and secret access points. Traversing this expanse can be perilous, however, as all manner of winged and crawling mutie, outlaw, and other foe can be encountered up here.
Local Pitford Tycoon and patron of glorious excavators, Fox Blender is a man of great wealth, power, and ambition. He makes for a great host, and a terrible enemy when crossed.
Art from page 109 of Pitford; Gateway to the Ruins for The Mutant Epoch RPG.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #foxblender #patron #tycoon #warlord #boss #mainboss #bloodroad #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic

The largest open area inside the domed fort of Pitford, this space serves to commemorate the epic deeds of lost excavators. Also called diggers, looters, grave robbers and archeologists, these intrepid adventurers gave their lives to recover lost technology, enrich themselves, discover how the oldster culture collapsed, and strengthen the frail pockets of civilization.
#RPG #ttrpg #memorial #remembrance #tribute #sorrow #thedead #fallen #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Pitford Street Scene
From page 192 of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins, this is a view east down Core Street. This full-page ink took a heck of a long time but certainly a personal fave.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #streetscene #street #wagon #streetlife #bartertown #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Gambling Opponents
Who might you be up against at your next poker game? A 1d100 roll, with 23 results will decide who else sits in at the game. Art from page 98 of Pitford, Gateway to the Ruins.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #poker #pokergame #pokershark #gambling #casino #bet #betting #mutantepoch
Sitting at a poker game in Pitford
Always the most popular and financially risky games at Zulu Bob’s Casino.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #poker #pokergame #pokershark #gambling #casino #bet #betting
The Wheel of Luck
Spin the Wheel of Luck at Zulu Bob’s Casino in downtown Pitford! Uses a 1d100 (hundred sided dice). Who knows what you might win, or be forced to do, including kissing a pissed off skullock.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #wheeloffortune #gambling #casino #gamble #wheel #luck #chance #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Knife Throwing ContestOne of the main gambling events within Zulu Bob’s Casino is this accuracy based event. Up to seven participants take part in this game, with each gamer getting three throws per round. The winner after several rounds, and beating out fellow players, gets the whole entry fee winnings, minus one share for the casino.

Welcome to Zulu Bob’s CasinoHere you can play at tooth toss, dice race of fate, poker, the wheel of luck, and knife throwing. Win cash prizes in silver and coupons to other Pitford shops and services.
Nobody knows how the place got its name, and there is nobody working here who claims to be of the proud Zulu Nation.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #casino #poker #gambling #cards #nightlife #betting #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #degenesis or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art

Surprise Stew!
Welcome to Zod’s Eatery in Pitford! It’s affordable, but has only one item on the menu; you guessed it, the daily stew. The book has a random table to see what, if any, unexpected event or ingredient turns up in your character’s portion.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #stew #zid #eatery #slop #soup #eyeball
Saying Goodbye to a Comrade
If you’ve played The Mutant Epoch, you know that you’ll lose a character or two in the course of your adventures. Our condolences. In Pitford, which caters to explorers of the nearby ruins, you’ll find Zack’s Funeral Services to help facilitate the respectful burial of lost PCs.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #burial #grave #grieving #mourning #funeralservice #zack #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #degenesis or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art

Hard Labor for jailbirds
If your character ends up in the Pitford Municipal Jail, you might spend a few days as part of a labor team extracting slabs of concrete from the nearby Ruins. Art from page 129.
#RPG #ttrpg #jail #prison #prisoner #forcedlabor #laborcamp #hardlabor #jailbird #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Arriving at Shell’s Stable
A post-apocalyptic wasteland rider arrives at Pitford’s Best stable. This excellent service is located on Core Street and connected to the Prospect Inn. This is one of my favorite Inks from this RPG sourcebook seen on page 70.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #horseman #riding #stable #cavalry #rider #horse #steed #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #degenesis or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi
Sal’s Bakery on Core Street Ain’t nothing better than some fresh baked bread after a few weeks in the wasteland. This Pitford business is always popular, so get there early if you want any of his fabulous baked goods. But not all is as it seems at this establishment.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bakery #bread #muffins #bakedgoods #cupcakes #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic

Dune Buggy
Parked at Shell’s Stable, this well guarded relic vehicle must belong to some high rank dig team. From page 71 of Pitford, Gateway to the Ruins for The Mutant Epoch RPG.

Armored Personnel Carrier
This scrap-built APC belches smoke as it transports your dig team to the drop-off zone deep in the Great Ruins. This vehicle and crew are just one of the many potential guides available to your character party at Slick Rick’s Guides in Pitford.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #tank #apc #guides #ruins #armor #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Household Robot for sale
Techlord’s Robotics on Park Street in Pitford offers sales and service for all manner of robotics, including androids. Art from page 80.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #householdrobot #sophiatherobot #droid #android #robotsales #robot #robotics #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #degenesis or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi
The Alcove Bar
This little known bar serves as a getaway for the non-digger locals of Pitford, a place where workers, guards, hookers, caravaneers and others can play games and relax away from the brash and boastful excavators. Shown here is Jym the bouncer trying to dissuade a couple of ruin looters from joining the regulars.
Art from page 87 of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bar #speakeasy #bouncer #saloon #tavern

United Post and Parcel Office
Located at the south end of Survivors Road, this service can deliver letters and small parcels almost anywhere in the Crossroads Region and beyond. The price and odds of successful delivery vary depending on the distance and hostility level of the destination community.
Art from page 88 of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #mail #courier #deliveryservice #postal #parcel #letter #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Thief in the night
Your character wakes to discover some robber rummaging about in their pack. Looks like just another rough night in the Lady Luck Hostel. This place has a huge ground-level common bunk room that sleeps 24. For a silver coin, you can take your chances here, and roll on the extensive d20 event table. From page 40 of the Pitford sourcebook.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #thief #bunkbed #hostel #ladyluck #criminal #mutantepoch
A Professional thief breaks into your room as your dig team sleeps. Art from the random robbery table for The Last Stop Motel, page 45 of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #thief #robber #burglar
Ogg’s Loans
From page 53: ‘The existence of banking and loans in the twisted future of The Mutant Epoch, although primitive by ancient standards, is considered by many to be a sign of civilizations absolute re-emergence.’
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #debt #loans #banking #ogg

Pete’s Archery
Both a retail space and workshop. Pete MacFergo and his team build splendid bows, crossbows and ballista. This combat clone lost an eye and leg in some mishap, but continues to serve humanity as a master craftsman.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #archery #bow #crossbow #arrows

The Prospect Inn
One of Pitford’s more affordable and ramshackle hotels. You can get an 8 person bunk room here for 15 silver coins per night, but bring your own water because none is provided.
From page 59 of the Pitford sourcebook for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #hotel #inn #motel #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Mixer’s Radio Service
Both a local area broadcaster of news, music and pro- Northern Freehold opinion, and a service that buys and sells comms, and offers for-hire transmissions. Mixer’s radio can be found at 97.5 on the FM dial within a hundred kilometers of Pitford.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #radio #dJ #news #broadcast #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Pitside Reloaders
Save your brass, ruin explorers, because Geri Kola and his team of adopted freaks can reload those casings. Need ammo? Well, shit, you’ve come to the right place because you can sometimes buy common cartridges and shotgun shells here, too... but check daily as supplies are limited.
From page 57 of Pitford Gateway to the Ruins, a sourcebook for The Mutant Epoch RPG.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #reloading #ammo #pewpew #bullets
This rare, monthly rental tower in Pitford is built into the outer defences, and so tenants are expected to fight from their suite whenever the community comes under attack. This place is the main setting for another TME game book, being the starting location in The Flesh Weavers.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #questspath #apartment #flasheshweavers #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #degenesis or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art #archeology
Outer Stairwell of the Rest Easy Motel in Pitford. Rooms in this timber and scrap metal, 5 story tower range from 1 person alcoves all the way up to 10 person apartments. Safety from thieves and predators not guaranteed.
Jo-Jo’sWeed EmporiumThe staff here will offer samples of assorted marijuana and are known to imbibe heavily themselves. 12% chance employees are so baked that they forget to charge customers for their purchase. Of course, no excavator who wants to survive in the nearby ruins for long will smoke a joint before hitting the dust heaps, but diggers know the barter value of weed and often carry it to trade for intel or safe passage. Pictured is Jo-Jo himself, a retired ruin looter.
#marijuana #weed #dope #drugs #barter #RPG #ttrpg
Art from page 36 of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins. These villains traffic in captives, a blemish on the community, and like in ancient Rome, a practice that is sadly legal.
Pitford from the sky
Used as the back cover art for the full Pitford sourcebook, but also as the front cover of the free to SOE members’ ‘Pitford Lite’ PDF book. Digital over graphite underdrawing.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #fortress #fort #bunker #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
A close call for this pit fighter against an enraged warmort combatant. Your character could end up in the arena if you’re unlucky or unwise, and be part of the gory spectacle of Champions Fighting Pit.
From the Pitford sourcebook.
#gladiator #pitfighter #pitfight #gladiatorial #chainsaw #fightclub #coliseum #RPG #ttrpg
Provollok the Dire shouts a challenge to the audience of Champions Fighting Pit. “Are you bred for greatness? Prove to your long dead ancestors that you are worthy of them!”
From page 19 of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins
#gladiator #pitfight #fightclub #gladiatorial
Mitcho the Cruel, part owner and lead operator of Champions Fighting Pit in Pitford. Mitcho Lazuth is part of one of the most powerful families in the ruin-side fort, and not someone to cross.
This pincer and horn headed fella is off to Dupont, Washington as part of a welcome note for a buyer of a Mutant Epoch Bravo Zulu mail-order bundle. Graphite. About 4 or 5 inches tall.
#RPG #ttrpg #pincer #bravozulu #mailoeder #sketch #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Welcome to Pitford!
A full page view of the south end of always busy Core Street with Cleopatra’s Brothel and Bath on your left and the Prospect Inn on your right. Enjoy your stay, brave excavator!
Art from page 14 of The Pitford community sourcebook for The Mutant Epoch RPG.
#street #brothel #inn #RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #fortress #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #degenesis or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art #archeology
Inside the Ellis Motel
Built within the south wall of Pitford, this modest four-story structure features rooms as shown here. They rent for 8 silver coins per night and are fairly secure. Art from page 28 of:
#motel #rentalsuite #hotel #RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown

Deadeye Gun Smithy
Located on Park Street within the confines of Pitford, this business is said to be the best outfitted and most advanced firearms workshop in the whole Crossroads Region.
Art from page 25 of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins, for The Mutant Epoch RPG.
#gunsmith #gun #pewpew #shotgun #workshop #cyborg #RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown
Eugene’s Computers and Tech
Located on Rubble View Street in wonderful, fully enclosed Pitford. This service can hack into a computer or reprogram a robot or android - but it ain’t cheap.
#eugene #computer #reprogram #hack #hacking #robotics #RPG #ttrpg

Greasy Pete runs the Fuel Depot in Pitford. He is a retired freehold officer and can’t stand cyborgs, robots and androids and is unlikely to sell them any ethanol. Art from page 30 of The Pitford sourcebook for The Mutant Epoch tabletop RPG.
#fueldepot #fueldump #gasoline #ethanol #fuel #RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #fortress #fort #bunker #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic

Gisha-Lolly99 the Android Clerk
Honest Al’s Relic Emporium
While offering a fair price for your spare relics, Al and his team also offer a few daily specials on ‘for sale’ ancient items.
Art from page 33 of Pitford, Gateway to the Ruins.
#emporium #relics #dealership #forsale #RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #fortress #fort

The Dust Devil Saloon
Near Digger’s Memorial Square on Shovel Street East, this massive four story structure even has a roof top access door for airships and choppers visiting Pitford. Why not stop by for a glass of certified water?
From page 27 of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG
Wagon Caravan
For the most part, Pitford is supplied with food, water, and materials from Overpass. While airships can conduct passengers and some high value items, most people and cargo travel by wagon on the treacherous Unity Road. Ink art from page 16.
Kifford-Joshua is the primary bartender at Looters Bar and Grill in scenic Pitford. While his main head, called Kifford, is very helpful and known to be the best source of lore and info in the town, the smaller head, Joshua, is lewd, rude and crude.
Art from page 48 of this post-apocalyptic ruin-side community sourcebook.
#kifford #joshua #looters #bar #grill #barandgrill #saloon #roadhouse #tavern #RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #fortress #fort #bunker #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #gaming #tabletopgame #gamer #scifi #art

Joining the Pitford Town Watch
Some excavators volunteer to join the local law and defense force. Iron helmets, studded leather, saber and musket are standard issue.
The early days of Pitford
The excavation support town was built among the footings and uprights of a once great mega tower on the western edge of the lower Great Ruins of the megalopolis of Greater Los Angeles.

Departing Pitford
A team of ruin explorers leave the safety and comfort of Pitford and enter the outskirts of the Great Ruins. Also called diggers, looters, grave robbers, salvagers, excavators, and treasure hunters, these intrepid adventurers often prefer the title of archeologist.
Art from page 9 of this 200 page TTRPG book.
From page 6 of the Pitford town sourcebook, a mixed group of excavators examine a map of the entire Crossroads Region. Full page art.
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #fortress #fort #bunker #crossroads #crossroadsregion #map #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art #archeology
Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins
Cover art detail, full image, and with the title text applied. Among other art I’ll be showcasing here in the next few weeks, we’ll be doing almost daily art drops of this book from the early days of The Mutant Epoch RPG line-up.
Learn more and get a free PDF sample here:
#RPG #ttrpg #pitford #bartertown #fortress #fort #bunker #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art #archeology

Encounter at Sea
An Epochian Era transport barge faces a mutant baleen whale. One of my favorite little illos, which is the last interior image for Mutant Bestiary One.
#whale #barge #sailingship #ship #sealife #ocean #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art
“Whoa, hold on. It’s coming this way!”
Excavators encounter a Junk Stalker in the badlands, someplace north of Pitford. Art from Mutant Bestiary One’s encounter tables at the back of the book.
#junkstalker #encountertable #gamebook #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art
“Hey, what the hell is that thing?”
“I dunno, let’s throw a rock at it.”
Encounter tables header Art from Mutant Bestiary One for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG
#hellcrawler #encounter #adventure #excavators #digger #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art

Also called an Organ Taker, these gut eaters induce terror in nearby communities. They are known to climb vertical walls to get into a place and feed, and return at the same time the next day for seconds. A 5k silver reward is typically placed on the head if these armored mutie monsters. From page 135 of Mutant Bestiary One, and this is the last critter in this ‘mutant manual’.
#ziagota #ruins #skull #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art
The Zalsh-Mal
In The Epochian Era, these are considered to be the demons of the post-apocalyptic age. Some go so far as to blame these lab-created fiends for the collapse of the former civilization. Learn more on page 133 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#zalshmal #demon #evil #devil #gamebook #grayscale #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic

As if wrestling with a regular wolverine wasn’t challenging enough, the flayer wolverine is 7 feet long, covered in spiked bone armor and likely to have one or two random mutations. Bad news if it gets within melee range, folks.
#wolverine #weasel #predator #badnews #flayer #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art

A sub-strain of Wolfur that are typically found in and around ancient cities. Unlike their more wild kin, these bipedal pooches are far more likely to join forces with human dig teams, especially against Krenth and skullocks, so long as there is a pure stock among the excavators.
From page 130 of Mutant Bestiary One for The Mutant Epoch RPG.
#wolfur #dogboy #doggy #pooch #mutantdog #dog #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art

Also called dog-boys when appearing as humanoid domestic dogs. They often form warbands and dress in the uniforms of old world police and military units. Wolfur are known to ride giant wolves. From page 130 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#wolfur #dogboy #wolf #dog #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Mutant Killer Whale
These pack hunters do not differ between seals, salmon, and humanoids, and are even known to follow junk-crafted ships and attack the vessel at sunset. From page 129 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#orca #killerwhale #whale #sealife #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art

Mutant Baleen Whale
With 500+1d1000 endurance points (hit points), these giants of the Epochian seas have between 1 and 3 mutations from the included list. They are known to ram ships that get too close.
#whale #baleenwhale #sealife #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art

Mutant Dolphin
From the whales section of Mutant Bestiary One, pods of these marine mammals typically feature the same one or two deviations. Just some such mutations could include gills, clawed feet, two heads, bladed flukes, and more.
#dolphin #whale #sealife #seamonster #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art

Hydra Weasel
One of the nastier denizens of the Epochian Era. These damn things are encountered with 1d6+1 heads, and are grizzly bear sized, fast, and cunning. From page 127 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#hydra #hydraweasel #weasel #junk #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutant Epoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art
After the collapse of civilization, weasels flourished, but so too, mutated. 12% are encountered with a deviation which could include multiple limbs, extra heads, enormous size, spiked shells, wings or a venomous bite.
From Page 126 of Mutant Bestiary One for The Mutant Epoch RPG.
#weasel #ferret #mink #ermine #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Waste Stalker
Twice as tall as a human and weighing a half metric tonne, these semi-reptilian mutant freaks feed on still living victims via their pincers. Nasty. From page 125 of Mutant Bestiary One.
Wailing Hook Fiend
These damn things can eat their own body weight in flesh per day, and are known to move in packs. Stats:
DV -22
End 120+3d20
Move 7m
Init. +0
Attacks bite +3+d3 hooks
Strike 01-80
DMG 3d6+8 each
Size 2.2m tall
Weight 450kg +/-
Mutations: wailing, see text on page 124.
#wailinghookfiend #monstrosity #ambush #hook #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi

Underfoot Couple
A prideful, hedonistic and high-tech subterranean race of humanoids. This resourceful strain of mutants have chalk-white skin, amber eyes and silver hair. All other off-shoots of humanity are inferior as far as these beings see them, especially pure stocks, and worthy of subjugation. From page 123 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#underfoot #underfeet #humanoid #subterranean #underdark #underground #drow #gun #RPG #ttrpg

Deep Terror Turtle
Known as a ship killer, these massive mutant sea turtles are able to venture far inland via river systems and climb ashore to lay waste to whole post-apocalyptic villages. From page 122 of Mutant Bestiary One for The Mutant Epoch tabletop RPG.
#deepterror #seaturtle #mutantturtles #turtle #tortoise #sailingship #barge #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #battle
Club-Tailed Turtle
Able to grow to the size of a cow, these terrestrial herbivores are like prehistoric ankylosaurs. Any threatening creature to get too close is likely to get a swat from its bony tail.
#ankylosaur #clubtailed #herbivore #mutantturtles #turtle #tortoise #anthro #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
At 2.1meters in length, these hunter-gathers make their tribal homelands in swamps, dense woodlands and overgrown ruins. They are known to befriend and trade with human travelers, and even join forces with them against the reptilius lizard folk. From page 121 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#anthrotortoise #mutantturtles #turtle #tortoise #anthro #tmnt #teenagemutantninjaturtles #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi

Giant Snapping Turtle
Far larger than their unmutated cousins, these brutes are known to grab and drag people to a watery end. 39% will exhibit an extra mutation.
#snappingturtle #turtle #mutantturtles #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art
Tree Squid
A full-length view of the dreaded tree squid. This is an updated version of one of my earliest drawings for The Mutant Epoch RPG.
#squid treesquid #giantsquid #tentacles #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Tree Squid Attack!
In sizes typical, huge, enormous, and colossal, these terrestrial ancestors of oceanic giant squid make their homes in the forest canopy or towers of the Oldsters. They pose an ever-present peril to travelers and excavators alike. From page 118 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#squid #treesquid #giantsquid #tentacles #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Also known as terrestrial trout, are amphibious trout that form into fast-moving, predatory schools. Able to remain out of water for up to 12 hours, they are capable of making inland raids on remote human settlements. From page 117 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#trout #fish #rainbowtrout #amphibian #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Also called tall-snatchers, these 4.3m tall (14’) tall flesh eaters grab and twist their prey, and clip off the victim’s limbs. Although normally found alone, these things can move in pods of up to six beasts. From page 116 of...
#tallclipper #archer #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic

Stone Spitter
These post-apocalyptic horrors are basically four winged flying torsos which can fire modified kidney stones at opponents. To get the much needed calcium carbonate that they need to make these projectiles, they eat shells and bones. From page 115 of Mutant Bestiary One.
Genetically engineered by the oldsters, these five meter long killing machines now roam wild. From page 112 of Mutant Bestiary One for The Mutant Epoch RPG.
Grab a FREE pdf demo today!
#spikeblade #bioweapon #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic

Soul Leech
One of the stranger Epochian denizens, this blue, fleshy oddity drains the willpower of those around it or else stuns them with its single whip-like appendage.
From page 111 of Mutant Bestiary One for The Mutant Epoch RPG.
#soulleech #willpower #tentacle #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art

Thunder Sheep
At 12 feet in length, these giants of the wasteland travel in herds and tend to flatten any creature or humanoid dumb enough to get too close. Certain Epochian tribes are known to raise these as mounts and affix armored shacks on their backs.
#sheep #ram #horns #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic

Bighorn Sheep
18% of encountered herds will be mutated, and could feature such deviations as two heads, bony bristles, great size, omnivorous diet, or bipedal with crude hands.
From page 99 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#bighorn #bighornsheep #mountainsheep #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
sheep |
Did you count them? Are you falling asleep at your desk this Monday morning?
Yep, folks, just normal unmutated sheep here. A baseline for the oddities that these things can show up as, since 21% of encountered herds feature a group-wide deviation. See page 93 of...
#sheep #lamb #ewe #ram #livestock #sheepfarmer #wool #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Holocaust Slugs are known to swarm in vast foraging herds and threaten whole villages. Human sized, armored, and coated in toxic slime, these mutants make for challenging low rank opponents.
#slug #giantslug #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic

Jawed and Gargantuan Slugs
Better get some friggin’ salt, ‘cause these two mutant strains could mean big trouble. From page 106 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#slug #slugs #gastropod #tpk #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Freakish Mutant Squirrels
Large, unpredictable, and always mutated, this strain of squirrel is most commonly found among the ruins of ancient cities.
#squirrel #squirrels #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic

Carnivorous Squirrel
These often mutated rodents live solely on flesh and are known to drop from the trees upon the last human traveler in line. From page 113 of Mutant Bestiary One for The Mutant Epoch tabletop roleplaying game.
#squirrel #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Whiptail Squirrel
At nearly twice the size of a regular squirrel, these mutants have extra long tails upon which grow blade-like teeth. When defending themselves, they can lash their tail to inflict gruesome wounds.
#squirrel #whip #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Yep, just a unmutated, typical squirrel. But just wait until the next few posts. Its gonna get weird.
From page 113 of Mutant Bestiary One for The Mutant Epoch RPG.
#squirrel #squirrels #wildlife #nature #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Reef Horror Snail
These 3.3m long, 320 kilogram brutes use jaw tipped, extendable tentacles to snatch both aquatic and land based prey, including people in passing boats.
#snail #reef #sealife #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creative #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem
One of the more massive miscreations of the Epochian era, these behemoths use their nine foot long tendrils to grab prey and pull it to their mouths to be pulped. From page 110 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#snail #gastropod #snail #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem

Swamp Creeper Snail
As large as a pig, with green and brown mottled skin, these scavengers can sometimes mass together and corner a whole dig team. Once their extendable jaw latches onto its prey, only killing the snail or pouring salt on it will stop it from feeding.
#snail #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Death Quill Snail
About the size of a skull, these amphibious gastropods can stab other creatures with a bone needle and inject a deadly toxin. From page 108 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#snail #venom #toxic #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art
Able to climb sheer walls and cliffs, this grizzly sized mutant terror has chameleon-like powers and can creep very close to its prey before striking. 30% feature an additional horrifying mutation. From page 107 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#snagger #horror #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art
Saw Wing
With greyish bodies and blood-red wings, these mutant bats hunt in packs. During an attack, they swoop in from behind their prey and make two slashes with their fearsome bone wing blades.
#bat #blade #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
These pre-cataclysm bio-weapons shoot calcium carbonate stones up to 320 meters with incredible accuracy (SV 01-80, dmg d12+4). From page 104 of Mutant Bestiary one. They have 4 wings with a span of 9 meters.
#skystrafer #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
With a massive 9 meter wingspan, these dive-bombing, gas bag buoyed giants often attack in well-timed passes, and use their wing blades to slice through their victims. From page 103 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#skydemon #wings #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art
A portrait of one of these towering, slug-like humanoids. Also called ruin-devils, these cruel slave lords of the epoch have an incredible array of mutations and are among the most dangerous foes your characters can face.
#sagaawrath #humanoid #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature
Predatory Skunk
As big as a black bear, and bloodthirsty as they come, these ravenous flesh-eaters spray a putrid neurological liquid that weakens potential prey. 72% also exhibit one or two extra mutations.
#skunk #pepelapew #predator #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi
Eroder Skunk
Three times the size of a regular skunk, trigger happy, spotted instead of stripes, and its spray is acid. Cripes, watch yourselves out there Epochians.
#skunk #pepelapew #acid #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #scifi #art
Yep, just a regular unmutated skunk for this brisk Monday morning. 21% will occur with a mutation, however, so expect mayhem.
#skunk #stinky #pepelepew #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
A strain of grotesquely mutated, stalky humanoids who despise humans. These ruin dwellers deploy relic assets, robots, and attack-patrol creatures to defend their underground realms. From page 97 of Mutant Bestiary One for The Mutant Epoch RPG.
#scrag #bunkerdweller #humanoid #dwarf #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic

This lumbering ambush hunter uses a six meter long, extendable, bladed tentacle to bring down its prey. Its four pus white eyes can see equally well in light and dark conditions and even differentiate between holograms, robots, and flesh based beings.
#sabergut #ambush #tentacle #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Among the strangest and most dangerous creatures in the Epochian Era. It feeds on the willpower of its victims, and eliminates opponents with a radioactive, flesh disrupting pulse from its extendable eye.
From page 92 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#radioactive #radcreeper #willpower #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic

Bipedal Raccoon
One of my faves, so much so that these guys made the backcover of Mutant Bestiary One. They don’t much care for the ‘monkey-meat’ of humans, and prefer to either barter with or rob big folk.
#raccoon #rocketraccoon #bipedal #shotgun #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature

Flesh Eating Raccoon
At nearly six feet in length, these bloodthirsty mutants have broad, bone crushing jaws and make two bite attacks per round. 22% are extra mutated, too, which makes these things even worse.
#raccoon #bloodthirsty #predator #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art
A Normal Raccoon
This specimen is outwardly unmutated, but 19% of those encountered in the Mutant Epoch era are mutants and can exhibit six legs, two heads, bladed tails, gills, armored and spiked hides or even plentiful human DNA. From page 91 of:
#raccoon #raccoonsofinstagram #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature

Jack Rabbit
Like cottontail rabbits, these things usually flee from anything bigger than themselves. But of course, 17% are mutated with the potential that of these, some are either omnivores or carnivores.
#jackrabbit #rabbit #bunny #hare
Cottontail Rabbit
Something a little lighter for this Sunday morning. Guess I should have saved this for Easter. Of course, these cute bunnies can show up with all manner of mutation, so don’t get too comfortable. WM
#cottontail #rabbit #bunny #hare #cute #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art
Thrasher Rabbit
This is The Mutant Epoch, after all, so why wouldn’t there be mastiff-sized carnivorous rabbits after your characters?
From page 90 of Mutant Bestiary One. Grab a sample PDF here:
#rabbit #bugsbunny #hare #carnivore #bunny #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art

The oldsters bred these for protein, but the Epochian era people also strap saddles to them and use them as mounts. 27% of these bear sized critters are omnivores, however, and 21% are extra mutated, so watch yourself out there.
From page 89 of Mutant Bestiary One. Grab a free pdf sample at this link:
#rabbit #hare #whatsupdoc #wabbit #yeehaw #bugsbunny #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
The Prothomus
With a 4.7 meter wingspan, this bone-plated wasteland flyer uses shock tendrils and grasping arms to snatch up prey or egg hosts. Watch the skies, Epochians.
From page 88 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#prothomus #wings #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art
Porcupines of the Epoch
Normal, spine thrower and giant porcupines all coexist in the Mutant Epoch era, and surprisingly all of these strains are herbivores.
#porcupine #herbivore #vegetarian #wildlife #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Pond Ghouls
A strain of fierce, gilled humanoids who delight in tormenting and collecting pure stock humans. From page 86 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#pondghoul #ghoul #humanoid #scales #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #gameart #scifi #art

Pit Jacker
A race of humanoids with four arms, multiple eyes, clear skin, and the ability to see in almost total darkness. These man-eating brutes suffer terribly if forced to fight in sunlight or under the glare of a spotlight. From page 81 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#pitjacker #jacker #humanoid #crossbow #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #scifi #art
Mobilamortus TreeShambling, flesh stripping, seed spreading, village flattening, wall breaking, and terror-inducing are what these mutant weeping willows do best. A colossal ‘mobi’ can stand 50m tall and has 500+2d1000 endurance (hit points). Truly one of the giants of the Epochian landscape.
From page 85 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#mutantplant #tree #weepingwillow #treeent #ent #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art

While each of these 20m long, purple stalked, green leaved plants have only one vine per rootball, they tend to grow in patches. Once they lash about a victim, they then feed on the living target with their lamprey-like mouths.
#thornbush #vine #plant #maneater #RPG #ttrpg #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art
Also called piggies, pig-heads, porkers, hog-men, and swinekin, these brutish mutant pigs are a growing menace wherever they gather. One of my favorite TME creations!
#pigman #pork #pig #swine #humanoid #hogwild #feralhog #pigfacedorc porkchop #pigface #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus or #gameart #scifi #art
Puff Moss
This dark green moss grows in either broad sheets or around tree trunks and old beams. Anything to step on it, or otherwise disturb it, is sprayed at by a puff of highly acidic mist and spore. Once on the skin, this substance eats the flesh, even as more moss grows on the wound.
#moss #acid #carnivorousplant #plant #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art

Dagger Tree
From page 83 of Mutant Bestiary One. These deviant trees look a lot like birch trees. Its herbivore deterrence includes bone-hard dagger leafs on movable branches which lash out at anything that disturbs it.
#carnivorousplant #tree #mutantplant #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic

Burr Thrower Plant
Imagine being struck by between 2 and 12 (2d6) spine-covered baseballs. Step on the root system of one of these mindless things and find out. (SV 01-50, DMG d4 each).
From page 82 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#seed #plant #burr #thornbush #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Great Tusk
3.6m long, 560kg and easily as big as a bull, these ferocious omnivores bring all-new challenges to the traditional boar hunt.
From page 79 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#tusks #boar #wildboar #pig #swine

Pigs and Wild Boar
Swine have spread far and wide in the Epochian Era of 2364AD, and while these ones look normal enough, they are often mutated as hell. From page 78 of:
#pig #swine #boar #pigs #wildboar #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi
Man-Taker Otter
These 3.7m long, 380kg predators are known to travel far from water in search of their favorite food— humanoids. 32% are extra mutated, too. From page 77 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#otter #predator #maneater #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic

Both river and sea otters inhabit the Epochian Era, and both are frequently encountered as mutants. Examples of deviations include spines, bone plates, venomous spikes on their tails, gills, two heads, bone knife blades on their backs, and human DNA.
From page 76 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#otter #seaotter #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary
Night Wing
Also called screechers or bat folk, these xenophobic, cunning mutants can employ relic weapons, but tend to use bows. Known to inhabit the great skyscrapers of the oldsters, they defend their territories fiercely.

Multi-Snagger Oyster
These massive, 630kg mollusks are able to inhabit both fresh and salt water. When open, they extend 20 foot long grasping tubes to snatch smaller creatures and feed on them while the prey is still alive. Yes, these things have a magnificent pearl.
#oyster #pearl #mollusk #seamonster #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart
These 177kg mollusks can both swim and crawl up onto land to go after their prey. From page 73 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#clam #swampjaw #mollusk #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi
Spear Clam
An enormous mutant mollusk that uses a harpoon-like appendage to impale passing sea creatures, as well as boats. END 70+1d100, DV -46, spear SV 01-80, DMG 1d20+6
#clam #harpoon #sealife #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi
Millipedes of the Epoch
Bleach, Carrion and Giant Millipedes are voracious scavengers and predators. Dig teams in the ruins can expect trouble whenever these damn things show up. From page 71 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#millipede #creepycrawly #carrioncrawler #bug #bughunt
Mutated Mice
From page 70 of Mutant Bestiary One. Artwork for the d20 mutation table. Generate rodents with six legs, toxic flesh, spiked bodies, acid spitting and much more! Grab your free pdf sample of this book at our website today!
#mice #mouse #rodent #vermin #swarm #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics

Swarmer Mice
With wedge-shaped, oversized heads, and rows of teeth, these sleek gray omnivores attack in waves like land-based piranha fish. From page 70 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#mice #mouse #rodent #vermin #swarm #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics

Post-Apocalyptic Mice
This image shows normal, aquatic, venomous, and swarmer mice. Any of these can also appear as a mutated sub-strain, so watch yourself out there.
From page 69 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#mice #mouse #rodent #vermin #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics
Mutant Marmots
From left to right we see a normal strain, a giant marmot, and a saber marmot. Giant variants are often extra mutated, while saber marmots are omnivores and as big as a man.
#animal #marmot #rodent #groundhog #wildlife #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics
KrenthAlso called puma-kin, rippers, and cat-folk, these humanoids started out as bio-engineered specimens, but since evolved. Every pack will respond differently to human travelers. From page 67 of:
#krenth #catfolk #catpeople #furry #furryart #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics
Also called Korvi when groups of these 3 to 5 meter tall reptilian bipeds appear. These mutants have between 2 and 5 bladed arms, are tough as hell and faster than most humans. Bad news for player characters.
From page 66 of Mutant Bestiary One. Grab a pdf sample here:
#korvess #blade #bladed #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics
One of my favorite mutie creations and goes way back to my earliest variants of the Outland System RPG.
These huge things can spray either glue, radioactive acid or napalm. From page 65 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#junkstalker #armored #radioactive #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics
Flesh Eating Cockroach
DV -20
END 10+2d6
MV 8 meters
Init. +0
Attacks 1 bite
SV 01-62
DMG d12+1
EFs 14
What would the post-apocalyptic world be without giant mutant cockroaches?
From page 64 of Mutant Bestiary One
#cockroach #bughunt #bug #insect #roach #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics

Enormous Earwig
At 94kg and 2.1 meters in length, these armored giants are fast, tough, and present two forward-facing attacks per round. Are they genetically engineered attack beasts or a freakish fluke of evolution?
#earwig #insect #giantbug #bughunt #bug #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics

Giant Stickbug
Calling these damn things giant ‘logbugs’ would be more appropriate. At 4.6 meters (15’) long, these ambush hunters can make 3 attacks per round at SV 01-80 and do 1d12+5 damage per strike. Grab a free pdf sample of this book here:
#stickbug #ambush #insect #bughunt #bug #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics
Locust Swarm!
Since the middle years of the pan-global tribulations, the yearly arrival of locusts have caused terrible crop devastation. Not much has changed.
Art from page 63 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#locusts #locustswarm #bugs #insects #famine #croploss #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics

Epochian Firefly
At well over a foot long, these nocturnal insects have been known to swarm together and strip livestock and travelers to the bone. So beware of cheerful dancing lights in the forest.
#firefly #lightbug #bug #insect #bughunt #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics

Scissor Caterpillars 🐛
Unlike other caterpillars, these 500g (17.6 ounce) 20cm long crawlers don’t turn into butterflies or moths and are known to swarm over a trapped or cornered victim and pick them to the bone. From page 62 of MB1.
Giant Diving Beetle
At 2.7m length and 188kg, these terrors of the waterway are even known to climb up onshore and grab the unwary. From page 62 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#waterbeetle #waterbug #bughunt #divingbeetle #giantbug #insect #aquatic #predator #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld

Swamp & Woodland Giant Mantis
From page 61 of Mutant Bestiary One for The Mutant Epoch RPG.
If these things grab your character with both graspers, they begin to feed on your PC while they still live.
Swamp mantis is 137kg (302lbs) and the much larger woodland mantis is 489kg (1058lbs). Yikes.
#prayingmantis #mantis #bughunt #insect #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics
Killer Bee Swarm
These damn things have only gotten tougher and more ornery over the centuries. By 2364 AD, a strain exists that seem to delight in swarming passersby. From page 61 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#bee #bees #killerbees #swarm #insects #bugs #ruins #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout

Carnivorous Grasshopper
So named by new era farmers who often fall prey to these house cat-sized omnivores, these insects can ravage both field and livestock and number in the hundreds. From page 60 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#grasshopper #bug #bughunt #insect #giantbug #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero

A bio-weapon project of the Oldsters that went wrong. These bat-bird hybrids dive-bomb their targets and try to snap off the front of their beak into the wound. This beak section contains a larva that feeds on the host until mature. From page 59 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#impalerzee #bioweapon #hybrid #parasite #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics
DV -20
END 10+2d20
MV 15 meters
Init. +2
Attacks: 1 bite
SV 01-66
DMG 1d12+4
From page 58 of Mutant Bestiary One. Grab a pdf sample here:
#hyenasapien #hyena #dogman #humanoid #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #game or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics

Horrid Slicer
These spike-covered predators are known for their incredibly sharp, extended blade arm. Cuts from these attacks continue to bleed for d6+1 rounds for an additional 1d6 DMG per round. From page 57 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#horridslicer #bleeder #blade #beast #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Hooked Gasher
Fast, agile, and bloodthirsty, these semi-reptilian fiends are feared by all. From page 56 of Mutant Bestiary One for The Mutant Epoch RPG. Grab a free PDF copy of our quick start rules and see more post-apocalyptic art.
#hookedgasher #claws #predator #velociraptor #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #game or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlcilassics

Six-legged, 3 meters long, 260kg, and way faster than you, these fast healing, voracious omnivores prefer swampy areas, especially overgrown ruins. From page 56 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#opossum #omnivore #swampcreature #animal #beast #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #game or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlcilassics
Hell CrawlerThe most nightmarish creature (so far) in the whole Mutant Epoch milieu. This thing wants you to become one with the collective.
From page 53 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#collector #hellcrawler #nightmare #dissolve #abomination #absorb #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #falloutboy
These black-furred, four-horned, omnivores live in and around overgrown ruins and are known for their bad tempers and territorial nature. From page 52 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#predator #goat #Lucifer #animal #beast #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #game or #mutantyearzero
Goats of the Epoch
Domestic strains and mountain goats can both occur as mutated versions, with such freaky deviations as two-headed, six-legged, venomous horns, bone studded, carapace, huge size, and bipedal.
From page 51 of Mutant Bestiary One for The Mutant Epoch RPG.
#goat #billygoat #mountaingoat #livestock #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #game or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlcilassics

Geloids emerge from the reeds.
These mutants are slow-moving, translucent, glistening, amoeba-like beings that are immune to piercing and ballistic weapons. Also called bog-folk, these totally amphibious creatures are only found near freshwater, as saltwater will dissolve them. From page 50 of Mutant Bestiary One for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG.
#geloid #gelatine #blob #theblob #goo #slime #amoeba #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #tabletop #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #indierpg like #gammaworld or #fallout

Float Fiend
Stay away from the water.
At a meter in length, this blueish green mutie uses a variety of mental mutations and beam attacks to take down prey. From page 49 of Mutant Bestiary One.
These 3 meter tall, meat colored, multi-eyed, post-apocalyptic monsters tend to be loners. With an array of different mutations, they are far more challenging adversaries than they look. From page 48 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#freak #humanoid #ogre #brute #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #tabletop #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #indierpg like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics

Epochian Merman
The male counterpart to the post-apocalyptic mermaid, and also from page 47 of Mutant Bestiary One for The Mutant Epoch RPG. Did I mention that these things can also occur as extra mutated specimens? Its true, with such deviations as random mental powers, bone plating, venomous tail spines, etc.
Check out the pdf book preview here:
#merman #mermaid #siren #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #tabletop #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #indierpg like #gammaworld or #fallout or #thelastofus or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics
Epochian Mermaid
Gilled, finned, and aquatically adapted humanoids are plentiful in the year 2364 AD, but these things most resemble mythical mermaids.
From page 47 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#mermaid #siren #aquatic #spines #humanoid #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #tabletop #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #indierpg like #gammaworld or #fallout
With throwing spikes, lashing tentacle, pincers, teeth and a beam eye attack, this monstrosity can wipe out most any dig team.
From page 45 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#TPK #entropy #nightmare #bioweapon #spikes #scorpion #ruins #beast #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic
Entropy Beast
Perhaps the most lethal creature in the whole catalog of Mutant Epoch monsters. At 7 meters long and 4 tons, this hold-over bio-weapon is like a living tank, one that roams the wastes and devours any living thing it encounters. From page 45 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#entropy #nightmare #bioweapon #spikes #scorpion #ruins #beast #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #tabletop #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #indierpg like #gammaworld or #fallout

DomogothAlso known as a ‘shocker fiend’, these 3meter long, 460kg wasteland freaks are built both tough and fast: DV -14, END 110+2d20, move 13m.
They can be encountered alone or operating in small pods to funnel travelers and smaller animals into an ambush point. From page 44 of Mutant Bestiary One.
Ruin Coyote and unmutated coyote
From page 42 of Mutant Bestiary One, under the listing for Digs 2. Dogs 1 are included in the 104 creatures included in the Mutant Epoch RPG hub rules book.
#coyote #mutantdog #dog #wolf #carnivore #predator #animal #beast #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #tabletop #rpgart #indiegame #indierpg like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics
This multi-eyed, monstrous bipedal mutant dog is like a mammalian allosaurus. It haunts the swamps, woodlands and ruined streets in an unending search for flesh and bones.
From page 43 of Mutant Bestiary One for the Mutant Epoch RPG by Outland Arts.
Designed long ago as anti-personnel bioweapons, these four-eyed, twin mouthed, six-legged freaks are nothing but trouble. From page 41 of Mutant Bestiary One.
#fox #blackfox #slinker #dog #antipersonnel #bioweapon #animal #beast #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #tabletop #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #indierpg like #gammaworld
A female mutie of just one of countless possible devilkin strains. From page 39 of mutant bestiary one. Digital over scanned graphite drawing by yours truly.
Speculation has it that these foot tall or smaller humanoids were developed as children’s playthings, or infiltration units, or even pilots for very smart bombs. However they came about, they now live in tribes and appear in a wide variety of strains; some hideous, others fair. From page 39 of mutant bestiary one, you can create your own strain with a few throws of the dice, including their disposition and mutations.
#devilkin #fairies #humanoid #fairy #miniature #littlepeople #lilliputian #RPG #ttrpg #bestiary #creature #monster #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #wasteland #tabletoprpg #tabletop #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #indierpg like #gammaworld or #fallout
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