Monday, December 5, 2022

Now, What the hell is that!?

Actually, this is a spider sister with the mutation of bat wings. This is also big trouble if your team is caught in the open. Art from page 135 of Monday Mutants Bestiary.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Crazed Servant of the Sap Crawler

From roll 16 on a thirty sided dice, among the loot of a sap crawler’s bone strewn lair, your team rescues a lone survivor… but can you get her back to her people before the crawler blocks your escape?

Ink on paper. Art from page 111 of Monday Mutants Bestiary, our 13th book for The Mutant Epoch RPG.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Angry Muto-Colossus!

An observant excavator will have noticed that this giant freak is a mutant, and features thick bone plates. Good luck, guy.

Art from page 77 of Monday Mutants Bestiary

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