that in the damn water? That fin! It’s coming toward us!”
Like so many beasts of the Epochian new era, the people of this
age call the terrifying new creatures by some physical feature or
behavior the mutie beast displays. These are straightforward, no
bullshit descriptions, something that the various humanoid strains
can relate to other people with few words, which is often important
when a watcher on a wall or barge deck must make their cry of alarm.
With the shriek of “Wave Lurker!” everybody aboard a crude
scrap-built cargo ship or junk walled village knows what is coming
for them. Once the alarm is given, people can either grab the right
weapon, dash to their battle stations, flee to a secure area, or pray
to their wasteland god for admittance to the afterlife.

Introducing the ever hungry, fast moving, reptilian wave lurker.
These aquatic predators patrol the seas, lakes and swamps of the
Mutant Epoch era, appear in various sizes, and like a sea lion, can
drag themselves up onto the deck of a barge or shore to go after
their prey. They can be encountered both in their typical form, or as
mutant freaks to inflict even more mayhem and terror on hard pressed
This is our 14th Monday Mutant release and the 2nd in our
follow-up dozen for the Mutant Epoch (TME) Tabletop RPG. It’s a
biggie, too, with a few extra half page illustrations and a wide
range of size stat blocks from the tiny, dog sized hatchlings to the
barge sized colossal adult! We will add another nightmarish oddity
each Monday until we add this next dozen to the collection. Once we
get to 24 muties, we’ll put them all, and a few never seen mutie
freaks, into a PDF and print bestiary!
This supplement, written and illustrated by the creator of TME,
William McAusland, includes the main artwork as a player handout
sheet and both a d10 mutation and d20 specialty loot table. Dive into
post-apocalyptic adventure today and grab your copy of the wave
lurker at the always affordable ‘Pay What You Want’ price.
Here’s a glimpse of this 8 page PDF:
As with all Monday Mutants, the Wave Lurker stats can be easily
corrupted for use with another game system, yet it handles best using
the fast-paced Outland System used by The Mutant Epoch RPG.
Are you curious about this well supported system and setting? Why
not snag your free TME Quick Start Rules with the included 42 page
adventure ‘Muddy Mayhem’ right here:
quick start rules at gumroad: https://gumroad.com/l/yGVBC
If you like what you see here, please leave a review, or comment
below and if you don’t, email me and let me know how we can make
these better. (Info at outlandarts dot com) WM Look for more gaming
goodness for The Mutant Epoch RPG in the months ahead, and stop by
the site to join our mailing list or social media to get all the
latest news and updates from Outland Arts.