Actual Play - The Mutant Epoch: The High Desert Session 16
By Rubble Goblins
Going Live in a half hour (7 PM eastern time (4pm Pacific) March 19 2025
Actual Play - The Mutant Epoch: The High Desert Session 16
By Rubble Goblins
Going Live in a half hour (7 PM eastern time (4pm Pacific) March 19 2025
Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Corryn and W. McAusland
There is a chance that this monitor lizard is instead sourced from the largest of their kind, a true monster that is sure to terrorize the populace of any new era town. Such a beast-man will only be allowed admittance if it grew up there, or the leaders of the community permit the hulking specimen to roam their streets on promises of the best behavior. On a roll of 10, on a 1d10, any monitor lizard bestial human is actually hybridized with a Komodo Dragon. If so, it will have these stats instead of those shown on page XR-58: END +35, STR +15, AG+10, INT 1d20+5, Will +22, PER +19, APP 3+d8, DV -20, Weight 100+d100kg, Height/Length 175+2d100 tail is 50% of body length.
Komodo dragon bestials can add a claw attack at +10 SV doing 1d12 damage, their tail slap on up to three closely packed, separate targets at its rear or either side is SV +14 for 1d20+4 stun damage, while its massive bite inflicts a SV +18 and does 1d20 lethal damage plus venom.
See a huge art gallery from this book:
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Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Corryn and W. McAusland
These lizard bestial humans have a tough time getting admitted into a human settlement, and unless arriving with known humans, cyborgs or mutant humans, will be turned away at gunpoint. Even when admitted entry, often with a bribe of 30+3d6sp slipped to the guards, the monitor lizard must remain confined to the unit’s quarters and will not be allowed into any saloon, store or eatery. The reason for this animosity, which exceeds even that shown to bestial human gators, is because of the long-standing feud with reptilius and other lizard based humanoids. Common people, who have usually only heard frightening tales of the murderous raids by reptilius, cannot tell this character apart from the notorious — although much smaller — mutant lizard folk of the swamp.
Hand drawn ink art from The Mutant Epoch RPG Expansion Rules book
Check it out here:
Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Colin Chapman
With their velvety fur, tiny eyes, squat builds, and overlarge shovel-like hands, bestial human moles are inoffensive, but this belies the fact that they are aggressive, constantly hungry omnivores who prefer a diet of meat.
They can make a bite attack (SV +8/ DMG 1d8 + Type A, paralysis venom) as well as use one-handed weapons, and unlike other bestial humans of their size, their over-large, calloused hands deliver normal punching damage, though they prefer to use their tough claws (SV +10/ DMG 1d8), and can combine them with their bite in a single flurry of attacks (SV +20/ DMG 3d8+venom). They are too small to use large two handed weapons such as halberds, pikes, chainsaws, battle axes, or great swords, or other sizable weapons though. Furthermore, firing a shotgun or high caliber rifle in the standing position will knock them back 1d3 meters onto their rump.
Art from The Mutant Epoch RPG Expansion Rules book
Check it out here:
Marmot-men have thick fur that enables them to endure cold conditions easily, even without winter clothing. However, from about October to February their ancestral instinct is telling them to hibernate. During these months this character will be irritable, drowsy and just want to sleep about three quarters of each day. The GM could apply an optional -2 initiative penalty on marmot-human crosses during these months to reflect their sleepy nature. Likewise, during hibernation months, a type B willpower based hazard check could be called for per hour to stay awake when forced to stand guard either day or night, or when performing any repetitive chore, including driving a vehicle or steering a barge or airship.
Marmotoids are excellent climbers (1d3 skill points in climbing), and alert to potential danger (+1 initiative).
Curious, why not visit the site and grab a 9 page PDF sample of the new book? Also, loot the free Mutant Epoch RPG Quick Start Rules PDF from drivethrurpg
Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Colin Chapman
The smallest of the bestial human birds, hummingbirds are hyperactive omnivores with a love of all things sweet. Though frequently sporting attractive plumage, their need to consume their own bodyweight in protein and sugars every day means they are constantly on the lookout for food and are considered undesirable guests. As a result, they are seldom welcomed into human communities even when accompanied by humans and human mutants, and must often be covertly carried into a settlement by slipping inside a large companion’s backpack and bedroll.
Humanoid hummingbirds can fly with their wing-arms (28m per round) but cannot use their hands while doing so; their wings simply beat far too rapidly. They can use a weapon while in the air, but can’t flap their wings while doing so. If they stop, they will plummet to the ground at a rate of 10m per round.
Watch a video intro of this new book at RPG Overviews on Youtube:
Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Colin Chapman
Raucous, canny, and carnivorous, bestial human gulls are opportunistic individuals, intent to hunt, scavenge, and steal whatever they desire. This reputation, combined with their mob mentality and aggression, makes them unwelcome in human communities, and they may find entry difficult even if accompanied by humans and human mutants.
Humanoid gulls can fly with their wing-arms (22m per round), using their misshapen hands, which protrude from their wings, to either drop ordinance or employ a one handed weapon. They can use a bow, rifle or other two-handed weapon while in the air, but must cease flapping their wings while doing so and begin plummeting to the ground at a rate of 10m per round, so typically try to get plenty of elevation before initiating this risky tactic.
New to the Mutant Epoch RPG?
Grab the free quick Start rules PDF and the included Adventure, ‘Muddy Mayhem’: