If any of you want to login over there and make some favorable comments, they would be worth their weight in silver to us. Here is the link:
If any of you want to login over there and make some favorable comments, they would be worth their weight in silver to us. Here is the link:
How did things get this way? In this issue we tackle Apocalypse Mythology for your character, along with articles on solo-play gaming, stashing your loot, and much more.
Issue two of Excavator Monthly magazine is character focused, yet still has plenty for the Mutant Epoch game master to challenge the players with. Included in this release are more nasty creatures: the Bloat Creeper, Pipe Worm and Mouther, along with two new relics: the handy Remote Watcher and the devastating Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle. This issue also includes another popular treasure table, as well as a new character generation method called the Gambler System, a full color character sheet to copy or download, plus two more NPCs, Phaydrix the mind waster and Sgt. Cole Dodgerre, a purist bounty hunter.
Featured articles this month are a discussion on solo play gaming, how PCs can make a cache for stashing spare or empty relics securely and finally, a huge selection of Apocalypse Myths for characters, setting background and NPCs.
Even if you aren't using the Outland System game mechanic, there is plenty here for any post apocalyptic gamer to bring to the game table. 24 illustrations 40 pages
Excavator Monthly is the official magazine for The Mutant Epoch milieu, covering the TME RPG, fiction, art and more.
Highlights of what this issue includes:
2 NPCs
3 New Creatures
2 new relics
Feature Articles: Regarding Solo-play /Apocalypse Mythology/ Your Stash
Color Character Sheet
1 Treasure Table
1 Character generation system (Gambler System)24 illustrations 40 pages
PDF $3.99
Print copy $9.99
We've decided to add a few pictures form the latest issue here: