Ever want to play a post-apocalyptic ninja, cowboy, marine, super model or hulking mutant freak? Now you can! Issue 6 covers 20 stereotypes available as player characters.
Another special feature in this issue is Tiny Terrors; 12 nasty critters to keep your players on their toes including mutant black widow spiders, jumping wood ticks, saw jawed newts and grass leeches to name a few. We also cover how to assign NPCs for your players to control complete with a randomized selection, articles on the difference between scavengers and excavators, outrunning your comrades, two new NPCs: Graydon the Mad and Zako the Dealer, along with the survival Pistol and Over-Armor-Tac-Harness for new relics.
This issue includes:
Special Critter Issue: Tiny Terrors:: 12 nasty little beasts
2 NPCs
2 New relics
20 Player Character Stereotypes types
Player Controlled NPCs
Outrun Your Comrades
Scavengers and Excavators
32 illustrations
44 pagesPrint price $9.99 sold through lulu.com
Now, here is some art from the latest issue. You can see a larger gallery at our website here.
Now that this issue is out the door, you'll be hearing a lot more from me in coming weeks.
Best regards,
While an excavator would usually speak of the big and bulky equipment, this surely provides another perspective regarding that term.