I am very excited about this now, 200 page book, especially as it is our first big production since The Mall of Doom last summer, and a departure from the Excavator Monthly sized publications.
Anyhow, here is the text and the cover art to follow,
Have a great weekend and talk at you again Monday.
Best Regards,
Welcome to
scenic Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins! This is your last stop before undertaking
a dig in the nearby Great Ruins. Why not enjoy some of the fine services
offered in this enclosed town? There are brothels, bars, massage parlors, shops,
a casino and even a gladiatorial arena, all here for your delight. After all,
this may be your last night in this twisted world, why not make it one to remember?
Pitford is like
a great immobile tank, stuck on the battle scarred, hostile plains in the
shadow of the Great Ruins. This scrap metal enclosure is more than a home base
for excavators; it is a dynamic adventure site, where opportunity, riches,
espionage, crime, and debauchery await. Herein, game sessions are as
challenging and deadly as anything found outside of its junk and concrete
The fortress-town stands as a
frontier bastion for a hard pressed humanity, providing a retreat from the
harsh sand storms and flesh eating mutated beasts of the wilds. With one road
leading in at the south and another at the north, it is stopping place for
travelers, outlaws, savages, scavs, runaways and most of all, excavators. For
over eighty years this fort has served as a base camp for dig teams who loot
the boundless ruinscape beyond, where the lucky make it back alive with
artifacts of enormous wealth and power.
This book is both a game master reference resource,
as well as a guide for players whose characters are visiting the bustling, old west style boom town.
Included are 56 shops and
businesses, 33 streets and alleys, access points to the topside roof, and
stairwells to the notorious basement level. In addition, fortress defenses,
gatehouses, and town watch details are included, along with a robust section on
the municipal jail with encounters for those incarcerated within. Also included are series of adventure hooks, appendices,
map collections, the governing Association of Business Owners and the Freehold
Situated in the north east corner of
the Crossroads Region, Pitford figures heavily in upcoming adventures published
for The Mutant Epoch role-playing game. While having this book isn’t necessary,
it would enhance game play and provide details on resources adventurers need to
recover, resupply, and recruit new excavators.
● 200 pages
● 108 illustrations ● 5 Maps ● 122 Locations ● Encounter Tables ● Random Rumors
● Adventure Hooks and much more!
version $24.99
PDF 10.99

I will own this.