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We want Epochians to contribute mutations, flaw mutations, minor mutations, cybernetic implants, relics and even some optional rules. We are looking for things you've used at your table or seen in other games and media that you think The Mutant Epoch milieu really needs to add.

Besides spreading the word, running TME at your local convention, game store, kitchen table and posting reviews far and wide, I need your creativity.
You'll get your name in the credits and noted right in the rules under the name of the new mutation or item, plus, if there is any art that happens to go along with the implant or deviation, I'll mail you the original... but keep in mind that I work very small, (see the drawings you see in the hub rules) and by no means wall art. Still, their small size means I can slip them in a standard envelope an afford to send them off with a regular US stamp (about $1.80 cdn). Oh, and you'll get the PDF book for free, too.
I can't begin to say when the Expansion Rules will be released, but keep in mind it took 7 years for me to finalize, insert the edits and do all the art for the Hub Rules. At that time, I still had many small children at home and plenty of client jobs. This time, with what can be described as part 2 of the hub rules, the xRulz (not an official code for the book but I kinda like it) I already have half the writing done, know what I am doing, and my kids are older now... and I have 575 SOE members... and you, the few who follow this blog!
I do need to continue taking freelance illustration jobs to make ends meet, and pause in production to release one day digs, short adventures, and other product lines just to maintain the sales levels that currently exist to afford to live, so sadly can't work full time on the new rules book like I wish.
I have considered a kick starter, have tried patreon.com (to crickets because I think I'm doing it wrong: https://www.patreon.com/mcausland), and could put up a PayPal donate button on the TME site, but am not sure about these options. The one big thing about a Kickstarter campaign is that besides it being a ton of work to set up and having the cover art done and whatnot, it might actually bring a huge degree of exposure to The Mutant Epoch. Exposure seems to be the biggest hurdle The Mutant Epoch faces. At GenCon last year, I met a lot of people who simply have never heard of it, and as some of you have recently told me, a great many gamers say the same thing... that TME is unknown to them. Shit, I think I'll need some help on spreading the word.
Please comment on this below, or email with Expansion Rules goodies.
All the best
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