Sunday, August 11, 2024

Quick Book Update: huge progress on the Mutant Epoch RPG Expansion Rules.

Today we completed all the edit inserts and PDF version internal book links. This was a huge milestone accomplishment!

Interior art almost done!

This 530 page beast of a book will have 1224 interior illustrations (some full pagers but most of these a quarter or one-eighth page size.)

Of these images 1140 are now inked with about a thousand in the layout.

There are 52 penciled images waiting ink, and another 32 yet to pencil! That’s only 84 images to go!

Working on the index and table of contents, a few days left on the cover art, but is coming together fabulously!

Thanks, Epochians, for you patience during this 7 year undertaking! It’s gonna be great!

Regards, WM

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