Adventure and
Exploration Await!
Grab your gasmask, your knee pads, crossbow and blade! Suit
up into your junk armor and survival packs and get ready to dive into a world of
high adventure. Welcome to the Crossroads Region!
It is the year 2364. The Tainted Sea
continues to recede, exposing patches of the former megalopolis of Los Angeles.
Here, your heroes will explore old war zones, ruined cityscapes, reef-locked
relic ships, stinking bogs and toxic bomb craters. Seek the bounty on the dreaded
outlaw-cannibal Appro-Mortica, recharge your power cells at Array, and avoid purist
deviant hunters and mutant supremacists as your dig team travels Forest Road .
The Crossroads Region Gazetteer is the first official
setting for The Mutant Epoch RPG. Designed to connect with other upcoming
gazetteers, this territory sits directly above uncharted zones meant to be
crafted by the game master. No further settings will be published which
document the areas south of the Crossroads Region, and instead future books
will only describe areas, north, east and west.
• 320 Illustrations • 39 maps • 20 NPCs
• Plus details on regional factions, ruin areas, outlaws,
heroes, organization, nomadic communities and much more!
• Access to downloadable map and game ready content
archive, including larger versions of included maps
You can buy the book in PDF, softcover or hardcover....
Or get a Hardcover for $46.99 at drivethrurpg com or assorted book and PDF combos at
* An amazon company, with the page being auto-updated to feature the new book a few hours or days later than the release date. Buying through their createpspace store gets you the same book from the same printer, but we get a much more generous portion of the sale. But yes, I think Amazon cuts the price by a buck or two.