Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Corryn and W. McAusland
These lizard bestial humans have a tough time getting admitted into a human settlement, and unless arriving with known humans, cyborgs or mutant humans, will be turned away at gunpoint. Even when admitted entry, often with a bribe of 30+3d6sp slipped to the guards, the monitor lizard must remain confined to the unit’s quarters and will not be allowed into any saloon, store or eatery. The reason for this animosity, which exceeds even that shown to bestial human gators, is because of the long-standing feud with reptilius and other lizard based humanoids. Common people, who have usually only heard frightening tales of the murderous raids by reptilius, cannot tell this character apart from the notorious — although much smaller — mutant lizard folk of the swamp.
Hand drawn ink art from The Mutant Epoch RPG Expansion Rules book
Check it out here: https://www.outlandarts.com/expansionrules.htm
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