Yet more character stereotypes from Excavator Monthly Compendium, page 111. I Did these pencils a long time ago, but recall having a blast rendering them.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Planning their next Operation
Two more stereotypes you can play in The Mutant Epoch RPG. The military veteran and monstrous cyborg.
Graphite art from page 112 of Excavator Monthly Compendium.
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Post-Apocalyptic Diplomat and Evil Scientist
You can play one of these two stereotypes and 18 others in your next session of The Mutant Epoch tabletop RPG. Graphite art from page 109 of Excavator Monthly Compendium.
Learn more about this 260 page source book and our other 12 game books here:
#mutants #epoch #tabletop #indiegame like #fallout #degenesis #gammaworld or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #mcc #art #williammcausland #non5e #NoAiArt #humanart #madacientist
Friday, March 24, 2023
Wasteland Barbarian, mutant courtesan, and crater cowboy!
Wasteland Barbarian, mutant courtesan, and crater cowboy! Just three character stereotypes your can play in The Mutant Epoch RPG. Graphite art from page 108 of Excavator Monthly Compendium.
Learn more about this 260 page source book here:
#excavatormonthly #compendium #barbarian #courtesan #cowboy #stereotype #rpgbook #tme #rpg #ttrpg #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #mutants #epoch #wasteland #tabletoprpg #tabletop #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #indierpg like #fallout #degenesis #gammaworld or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #mcc #art #williammcausland

Character Stereotypes
One of my personal favorite alternate character creation systems from this book’s PC Creation Vat section. Want to play a post-apocalyptic super model, mechanic, monstrous cyborg, mad scientist or street punk? Well, turn to page 106 of Excavator Monthly Compendium and roll them dice!
Learn more about this 260 page source book here:
excavatormonthly #compendium #gamebook, #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #mutants #epoch #wasteland #tabletoprpg #tabletop #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #indierpg like #fallout #degenesis #gammaworld or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #NoAiArt
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Mutant Goat and Herder
A nomadic goat herder of the Epochian wastes. Graphite art from page 30 of Excavator Monthly Compendium.
#nomad #goat #mutantgoat #savage #excavatormonthly #compendium #rpgbook #tme #rpg #ttrpg #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #mutants #epoch #wasteland #tabletoprpg #tabletop like #fallout #degenesis #gammaworld or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #mcc #art #williammcausland #non5e #NoAiArt #goatherder

Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Hey Everybody, I know a lot of you are already backing this Goodman Games kickstarter, and a lot of you play DCC, 5E as well as The Mutant Epoch.
I just wanted to give you a heads up that there are only 6 hours left on this kickstarter. I have produced dozens of full color monsters for this book, including this nasty undead fella!
Check it out:
Dungeon Denizens
500 monsters for 5E & DCC RPG! Kickstarter backers receive a bonus monster! Epic full-color hardcover with PDF+VTT support!
By Goodman Games
$20,000 goal
6 hours left $349,461 pledged @goodmangames
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Role-Playing Game NPCs
Pencil art for an article on player controlled non-player characters. This covers assigning a npc to a player who had their character killed and, instead of sitting out the rest of the session, plays as a random person the team meets in either the ruins, wilderness or town.
Half page art from page 28 of Excavator Monthly Compendium.
Friday, March 17, 2023
Looking to try a new RPG this weekend?
It uses the #Outland System but for anybody who plays #DnD is easy enough to pick up. This free PDF comes with an introductory adventure: Muddy Mayhem!
#postapocalyptic #quickstart #freeRPG #demogame
#excavatormonthly #compendium #gamebook #rpgbook #tme #rpg #ttrpg #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #mutants #epoch #wasteland #indierpg like #fallout #degenesis #gammaworld or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #mcc
William McAusland
Creative Director
Outland Arts / The Mutant Epoch RPG / Fantasy Clip Inks/ Handcrafted Dungeons
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Dry skin?
Dry skin? Maybe spend less time out in those wasteland junk storms.
Tyrone the Ruthless, an NPC mercenary captain. Art from page 145 of Excavator Monthly Compendium.
#dryskin #npc #skincare #bodyarmor #nonplayercharacter #excavatormonthly #compendium #gamebook #rpgbook #tme #rpg #ttrpg #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #mutants #epoch #wasteland #art #non5e #NoAiArt #humanart
Sunday, March 12, 2023
Ponysapien Rider
From the creatures section of Excavator Monthly Compendium, appears this low IQ humanoid mount. While not as fast as a horse, these 390 kg stead’s can scramble over rubble and junk where more typical mounts cannot, including stairwells and steep rock faces.
Pencil art from page 172.
#MutantEpoch #indierpg #fallout #williammcausland #non5e #NoAiArt #humanart #mature #archer #yeehaw #giddyup #gamenight
Thursday, March 9, 2023
Lillabi the Blue
Mutant NPC: Lillabi the Blue, airship captain and owner of the Ash Tigress.
Graphite art from page 144 of Excavator Monthly Compendium.
#airship #npc #captain #excavatormonthly #compendium #gamebook #rpgbook #tme #rpg #ttrpg #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #pencilart #portrait
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Mutant Archer
Graphite art from page 124 of Excavator Monthly Compendium. This is for the archery skill written by Danny Seedhouse, a excellent writer of rules, setting materials and adventures who has a ton of content in the upcoming TME Expansion Rules.
#arcchery #archer #bowandarrow #horns #horny #tme #rpg #ttrpg #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #mutant ##art #williammcausland #dannyseedhouse
Monday, March 6, 2023
Tactile Knife
SV +6/ rate 1/ DMG 1d10+5/throw range 6m
One of the relics found in the pages of Excavator Monthly Compendium for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG.

Sunday, March 5, 2023
Sometimes also called a weed demon, but not where true weed demons also exist. These fierce, predatory mutant plants can put run most humans, and make several slice and stab attacks each round.
Graphite art from page 174 of Excavator Monthly Compendium.
Learn more about this 260 page source book here:
#mutantplant #botamorto #excavatormonthly #compendium #gamebook #rpgbook #tme #rpg #ttrpg #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #mutants #epoch #wasteland #tabletoprpg #tabletop #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #indierpg like #fallout #degenesis #gammaworld or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #mcc #art #non5e #NoAiArt
Friday, March 3, 2023
Camping in the Ruins. Too Risky?
Graphite art from page 95 of Excavator Monthly Compendium.
#camping #ruins #campout #bonfire #excavatormonthly #compendium #gamebook #rpgbook #tme #rpg #ttrpg #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #mutants #epoch #wasteland #tabletoprpg #tabletop #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #indierpg like #fallout #degenesis #gammaworld or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #mcc #art
She beckons from the swamp
She beckons from the swamp “Help me.”, and as you approach, she begins to sink into the muck even as tentacles appear around your team.
Art from page 225 of Excavator Monthly Compendium.
Learn more about this 260 page source book here:
#horror #bait #helpme #excavatormonthly #compendium #gamebook #tme #rpg #ttrpg #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #mutants #epoch #wasteland #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #indierpg like #fallout #degenesis #gammaworld or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #mcc #art #williammcausland #non5e #NoAiArt #humanart
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
The Many-Headed Horror
Graphite art from page 224 of Excavator Monthly Compendium.
#horror #nightmare #monstrosity #excavatormonthly #compendium #tme #rpg #ttrpg #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #mutants #epoch #wasteland #tabletoprpg #tabletop #tabletopgame #rpgart #indiegame #indierpg like #fallout #degenesis #gammaworld or #mutantyearzero or #mutantcrawlclassics #mcc #art #williammcausland #non5e #NoAiArt