Thursday, January 30, 2025

Bestial Humans Set Two


This collection continues on from the ‘manimals’ included in the Mutant Epoch Hub Rules, pages 24 to 33. New for the expansion rules is the chance for some bestial humans to be fitted with cybernetic implants, although for already mutated bestials there is only a 1 in 20 chance that they are also enhanced, while non-mutated bestials have a 1 in 10 chance of being a cyborg. Any bestial human cyborg will feature 1 each of offensive, defensive and miscellaneous implants from the random table on page 330 of this book.

A special thanks go out to all those in the Epochian Community who, over the years contributed many of these new bestial human types, added suggestions and feedback. I’d like to thank Blood Axe, Colin Chapman, C.H.U.D., Matthew Fisher, and Corryn. You’re the best. Where two names are listed beside the bestial human strain, it means two gamers contributed to this bestial human entry and the stats and write-ups were combined to the best of my ability. WM

You can play these bestial human critters using the new rule book.

Check it out:

New to the Mutant Epoch RPG? Grab the free quick Start rules PDF and the included Adventure, ‘Muddy Mayhem’:

All the best,


 characters, noaiart, william mcausland, wasteland, post-apocalyptic, the mutant epoch, outland system, outland arts, mutants, mutant, epoch, ink artist, wasteland weekend, Kamloops artist, apocalyptic, fallout, like, gamma world, humanoid animal, roleplaying game,

Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Android Bounty Hunter

Example of Pre-Game Castes: Military, Covert

Roll a twenty sided dice to discover your android’s pre-game career:

Roll 1d20: 1. Bounty Hunter / 2. Bunker Dweller / 3. Junk-Doctor / 4. Repairer / 5. Scavenger / 6. Technician, Cybernetic / 7. Wastelander / 8. Slave, Laborer / 9. Slave, Gladiator / 10. Nomad / 11. Trader / 12. Crafts person / 13. Technician / 14. Street Thug / 15. Raider / 16. Pirate / 17. Thief  / 18.19. Assassin / 20. Mercenary

Ink art from page 56 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book.  Learn about this game book at or

#assassin #skull #bountyhunter #saloon #wantedposter# hunter #terminator #cyberdynesystems #skynet #covert #mutants #hooded #android #selfaware #noaiart #ink #rpg #ttrpg #scifi #mutantepoch #expansionrules #tme #themutantepoch #roleplayinggame #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #tabletoprpg like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mcc or #mutantcrawlclassics #williammcausland 

Friday, January 24, 2025

 Unique Android Pre-Game Castes

In most cases, an android character has made its way in the post-apocalyptic world by performing some task, earning a wage, or being supplied with sufficient recharge access, lubricants, repairs and shelter in return for whatever enslavement, assignment, labor or freelance occupation it conducted. During its time in this occupation or caste it might well have suffered permanent damage due to abuse or injuries, but so too, gained new experiences, skills, and improvements to its cognitive and physical abilities.

Ink art from page 55 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. 

Learn about this tabletop roleplaying Game, and grab our free Quick Start Rules PDF here:

#covert #mutants #hooded #hiding #crowd #freak #wtf #android #selfaware #noaiart #ink #rpg #ttrpg #scifi #mutantepoch #expansionrules #tme #themutantepoch #roleplayinggame #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #tabletoprpg like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mcc or #mutantcrawlclassics #williammcausland 

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Thursday, January 23, 2025

Android Special Features

From the book: “As a character, a unique android will have random traits, skills, implants and potential features according to the tables that follow. All androids can read, write and do math. At first, androids can appear to be complex, hard to generate characters based on the extensive amount of PC creation material presented on the next 29 pages, however, creating one is really quite simple and involves one or more rolls on each of the tables to follow.”

Ink art from page 52, 53 and 54 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. 

 Learn about this game book at or

#beam #EMP #cybernetic #healing #robotgirl #femalerobot #skullface #mask #skeletal #android #selfaware #noaiart #ink #rpg #ttrpg #scifi #mutantepoch #expansionrules #tme #themutantepoch #roleplayinggame #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mcc or #mutantcrawlclassics #inkart #williammcausland 

 like, gamma world, or, fallout, or, mcc, or, mutant crawl classics, ink art, 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Android Handedness

Androids, especially advanced or physically active varieties, have a much higher likelihood of being ambidextrous than human or mutant human characters do. Roll 1d10 on the following table at character generation, however, medical, technician, scientific and military android categories all gain +2 on the following 1d10 roll.

Table XR-51/ Android Handedness, Roll 1d10

1-3. Left Handed

4-9. Right Handed

10+. Ambidextrous

Ink art from page 51 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book.

See a huge art gallery from this book:

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Android’s Hair

Androids normally come standard with stitched on nylon wigs, although many military models are entirely bald.

Ink art from page 51 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. 

Learn about this tabletop roleplaying Game, and grab our free Quick Start Rules PDF from the link here:

#robotgirl #hair #wig #cybernetic #longhair #hairstyle #femalerobot #skeletal #robotgirl #hair #wig #cybernetic #longhair #hairstyle #femalerobot #skeletal #android #selfaware #noaiart #ink #rpg #ttrpg #scifi #mutantepoch #expansionrules #tme #themutantepoch #roleplayinggame #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mcc or #mutantcrawlclassics #inkart #williammcausland 

Monday, January 20, 2025

Android Auditory Capabilities

 Android Auditory Capabilities Table Roll 1d10

1-3. Damaged: One auditory receptor damaged, but it can be replaced if a spare hearing module is inserted by a robotics technician. This android hears only half as well as a human and suffers -1 initiative until repaired. 

4-5. Normal Human: This android can hear as well as a human.

6,7. Double Human: This model can hear twice as well as a regular person.

8. Double Enhanced: Besides being able to hear twice as well as a normal human, this android can also detect the subtle sound of servo motors in another mechanical being, especially if there are few other sounds. For example, if another android, when disguised as a human walks passed in a saloon or back street, this character would detect it.

9. Extreme Hearing: Can hear four times as well as a human, and with such splendid hearing, this android gains +1 initiative.

10. Extreme Plus Radio Reception: Besides being able to hear four times better than a regular human, and so gain +1 initiative, this android can also switch to a receptor mode and detect the feint transmissions of various radio communications, broadcasts and Mecha chatter. It cannot, however, understand the Mecha encrypted messages, but can tell if they are far away, or within a kilometer or less.

Ink art from page 50 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. 

Learn about this tabletop roleplaying Game, and grab our free Quick Start Rules PDF here:

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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sensory Capabilities of Unique Androids: Sight

At the minimum, unique androids have all the same sensory receptors as pure stock humans, but often one or more of these senses are heightened or exhibit additional capabilities. 

Table XR-39/ Android Sight Capabilities*  Roll 1d10

1-4. Normal human visual capabilities.

5. Normal human vision plus can project illumination as twin pocket flashlights at will to a maximum usage of 120 minutes per 24-hour period. Range 20m.

6. Normal human vision plus radiation detection mode: When engaged, this android can see areas and objects contaminated with radiation within 100 meters.

7. Improved human vision: Can see 50% further than a human, plus limited night Vision to 6 meters

8. Extended Vision: Can see twice as far as a human, as well as limited night vision to 20 meters, and discern augmented reality holograms. Learn more about Augmented Reality on page XR-477 of this book.

9. Night vision to 60m plus has daylight use binocular eyes x 25 magnification.

10. Advanced eyes: Roll 1d6: 1,2. Night vision to 100m / 3. Optical enhancement set 1 from the hub rules on page TME-89 / 4. Optical enhancement Set 2, from page XR-342, this book. / 5. Stun beam eye as stun pistol but recharges 20 shots max per day: SV +16, DMG 2d20 stun, range 200m, rate 1. / 6. Laser eye, as a laser pistol but max 20 shots per day and recharges from the android’s built-in system: SV +16, DMG 1d20+10, rate 1, range 500m.

Ink art from page 49 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book.

Learn about this tabletop roleplaying Game, and grab our free Quick Start Rules PDF at

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Alloy Steel Cladding

This steel carapace is either black, gleaming chrome or some sort of metallic metal, such as green, red or blue. While the android encased in this two centimeter thick, articulating armored shell might have the splendid physique of a fit man or woman, there is no mistaking it for a living human despite the appearance score of the android. Other armor, and some special features that might conceal this plating, can be worn with this protective layer. The android housed in this sheathing is immune to acid, dust storms, heat or cold damage, and can operate in the void of space for up to an hour before its joints and hydraulic lines freeze up. Fire and falling do only half damage to this android.

Ink illustration for page 47 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. Learn about this game book at or

Friday, January 17, 2025

CPU Within Android’s Head

The CPU (Central Processing Unit) of an android is its hard-wired, computerized brain and occupies the skull cavity of the head. Other than a jury-rigged CPU variety, listed in the table below, the computerized brain housed in this android is fixed and can’t be switched in and out without deleting the consciousness, however, by gaining ranks, trait improvements can a occur.

   After randomly determining the CPU on the table below, add any modifiers to Intelligence and willpower to any gained through the unit’s original purpose, plus whatever the android previously rolled at the start of character generation. The character may yet gain more points due to its pre-game caste.

Ink illustration for page 48 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. Learn about this game book at or

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Plastic Sheathing Android Skin

While this skin might have a few scuff marks, a well-hidden patch, stitched up cut, or puckered hole where a bullet or arrow once caught this unit, this flexible sheathing is stretchy and very human-like. In short, it does the job of concealing the android’s true nature from a few feet away. Such skin is about a centimeter thick, except on the face where it must better follow the contours of the synthetic skeletal structure beneath. Although, quite realistic looking, it has no warmth of its own and does not always bend the way human skin does.

Ink illustration for page 46 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. See a huge art gallery from this book:

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Android Tissue Sheathing


Sheathing is the skin encasement around the android’s body and face — at least where obvious cybernetic implants are not affixed. A unique android might start game play with the most advanced alloy cladding, a more typical plastic sheathing, or be unlucky and have no covering at all and all its servo motors, wiring, pistons and underlying skeletal frame exposed. Androids start with a base defense value of 0 (zero) just like a human character, however apply any agility modifiers, sheathing mods, or skill-based changes after the character is created.

Sheathing, or a lack thereof, also affects the endurance trait of the android so record any endurance amount added or subtracted when establishing a sheathing type, as this amount can change when skin is added or removed. Only one sheathing type can be adhered to the android at any given time.

Ink illustration for page 46 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. See a commentary here:

skin, sheathing, skinned, tissue, skeleton, android, ink, rpg, ttrpg, scifi, player character, mutant epoch, expansion rules, tme, post-apocalyptic, the mutant epoch, roleplaying game, apocalyptic, outland system, outland arts, mutants, mutant, epoch, tabletop rpg, ilke, gamma world, fallout, or, mcc, mutant crawl classics, Polycarbonate, alloy, noai, noaiart,

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Android Skeletal Composition

What’s your android character’s skeleton made from? Got a ten sided dice?

Roll 1d10 Skeletal Material

1-4. Plastic boned

5,6. Mixed plastic and aluminum bones

7. Aluminum bones

8. Stainless steel bones

9. Alloy steel bones

10.+ Polycarbonate bones

Ink illustration for page 45 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book.

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Friday, January 10, 2025

Space Force Android

These well built, advanced androids were used as security and boarding troops during operations aboard space stations and vessels, as well as deposited on the ground on moons, asteroid mines, and other planets such as Mars. Besides fierce combat in zero gravity or the harshest of environments, they can handle the vacuum of space, resist radiation, extreme cold or extreme heat, and cope with long periods of dormancy. These units can go dormant on minimal powers for 25 years, but if activated by a ship’s main computer, a digital being, or physical contact, they will power up and become fully operational in 3d6 minutes.

Ink illustration for page 44 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. Learn about this game book at or

#spaceforce #military #spacer #astronaut #android #spacewalk#iss #spacedebris #spaceX #selfaware #ai #noai #noaiart #ink #rpg #ttrpg #scifi #playercharacter #mutantepoch #expansionrules #tme #themutantepoch #roleplayinggame #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #tabletoprpg like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mcc 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Pilot Military Android

Built light, agile, and of higher intelligence than most other androids, these units were made in the both male and female patterns in about equal numbers — and often with enhanced appearance. While civilian android co-pilots were used in old world airlines and inter-city hover transports, primary piloting was done by trusted human operators after several infamous incidents where Mecha corrupted air crews took over flights. For the military, however, the use of android pilots was acceptable — at least in the early years of the End Time Wars.

Ink illustration for page 43 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. Learn about this game book at or

#pilot #flyer #airship #dreamer #android #humanoidrobot #selfaware #noaiart #ink #rpg #ttrpg #scifi #playercharacter #mutantepoch #expansionrules #tme #themutantepoch #roleplayinggame #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #tabletoprpg like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mcc 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Tanker Military Android

Although tough, these drivers of ancient armored vehicles were built smaller, more agile and better able to fit into, and move around inside many old world vehicles. While nearly all such ancient tanks, armored personnel carriers and battle trucks have long since been destroyed — or else their fuel supply long since dried up — many of these lean, highly skilled ‘tankers’ survived the ancient wars. These soldiers spread across the world and now survive however they can. Because of their more typical human proportions, many find acceptance and concealment in human communities.

Ink illustration for page 43 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. Learn about this game book at

#tanker #military #tankdriver #mechanic #android #selfaware #ai #noai #noaiart #ink #rpg #ttrpg #scifi #mutantepoch #expansionrules #tme #indiegame #fixing #repair #themutantepoch #roleplayinggame #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mcc 

Monday, January 6, 2025

Heavy Combat Military Android ink art

Once widely deployed on the sides of Mecha and human factions of old, their large size made them stand out, and so receive unwanted attention and multiple incoming rounds. Few of these brutes now walk the twisted world of The Mutant Epoch, but those that do are much feared, well respected, and incredibly valuable assets to any wasteland warlord or dig team. They stand at least a foot (30cm) taller than a large man, are broad of chest and shoulder and have enormous, cable knotted muscles.

Ink illustration for page 42 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. Learn about this game book at or

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Sunday, January 5, 2025

Grunt Military Android


By far these are the most common military androids ever made, and easily the most frequently discovered variant in the post-apocalyptic new era. Built solid, with access to plenty of spare parts from all those of their classification who fell in long ago battles, they exhibit an ideal balance of ruggedness, speed and talent to bring the hurt to the enemy. Unique specimens of this type make for exceptional excavators and can appear as males or females, are always modeled after well built human specimens of larger than average size, and besides the hand signaling, Morse Code and navigate by stars skills that all military androids already start with, these units begin operations with 6 skill point rolls.

Ink illustration for page 42 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. Learn about this game book at or

#grunt #military #marine #army #soldier #android #selfaware #ai #noai #noaiart #ink #rpg #ttrpg #scifi #playercharacter #mutantepoch #expansionrules #tme #indiegame #postapocalyptic #fallout #themutantepoch #roleplayinggame #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutant #tabletoprpg like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mcc

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Sniper Military Android

As their name implies, these stealthy, modestly sized units appear as males or females of exceptional fitness, although not large and so are more easily able to blend in with a civilian population. Masters of camouflage, concealment and marksmanship, these deadly units make for exceptional new era excavators. Each has 1d4 skill points in each of the following skills: stealth, Lock picking, tracking, climbing and the sniper skill. 77% of these units have built in standard communicator in their heads and like the covert android, can carry on conversations within their head with other operators without being heard by nearby personnel. Sniper androids have built in telescopic vision with which they can see 40 times further than a human by day and 10 x further at night, with advanced night vision optics built into their eyes.

Ink illustration for page 42 of The Mutant Epoch RPGs Expansion Rules Book. Learn about this game book at See an YouTube overview video here:

Unboxing our new laser Printer

My new not-so secret weapon for 2025! 

After reading and watching tons of reviews, and aghast at the cost of getting copies done at the copy centre, I went with the Brother HL-L2460DW monochrome #laserprinter. I have a workhorse of a large format scanner by Brother and am thrilled with it, so going to go with them again. We have so many books and supplements to do in the year ahead, and so need to tackle these endeavors head on.