Monday, March 3, 2025

Bestial Human Gull

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Colin Chapman

Raucous, canny, and carnivorous, bestial human gulls are opportunistic individuals, intent to hunt, scavenge, and steal whatever they desire. This reputation, combined with their mob mentality and aggression, makes them unwelcome in human communities, and they may find entry difficult even if accompanied by humans and human mutants.

Humanoid gulls can fly with their wing-arms (22m per round), using their misshapen hands, which protrude from their wings, to either drop ordinance or employ a one handed weapon. They can use a bow, rifle or other two-handed weapon while in the air, but must cease flapping their wings while doing so and begin plummeting to the ground at a rate of 10m per round, so typically try to get plenty of elevation before initiating this risky tactic.

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Grab the free quick Start rules PDF and the included Adventure, ‘Muddy Mayhem’:

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Bestial Human Grasshopper

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Colin Chapman

The bestial human grasshopper is herbivorous and relatively inoffensive, but is still regarded with distrust by humans due to the tendency of these mutants to sometimes enter frenzied feeding phases as a locust, devouring vast quantities of valuable foodstuffs. They are only permitted entry to human communities if accompanied by trusted humans or mutant humans, and even then they will be instructed to keep away from human food supplies and crops on pain of death. 

For their part, hopperoids are fearful of many predatory species, and because of their tasty, nutritious nature, are often seen as potential food by many other creatures, including some humans.

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 #humanoidanimal #roleplayinggame #indiegame

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Bestial Human Gorilla

Hand drawn Ink art by William McAusland, writing by Colin Chapman

With their heavy fur, squat, muscular physiques, and wicked canines, bestial human gorillas cannot pass for hairy humans like humanoid chimpanzees can, and possess even more of a tendency to knuckle-walk than their pan troglodyte relatives.

Despite being more powerful and less human than chimpanzee-men, gorilla-men are quieter and less aggressive, and while omnivorous, are far more inclined to a mostly vegetarian diet too. This gentle aspect vanishes, however, when violence is needed, and humanoid gorillas are devastating in melee. They can make three attacks per round, one bite (SV +8/ DMG 1d12) and two powerful punches (SV +6/ DMG 1d12 instead of the normal human 1d6), with both accuracy and strength modifiers applied to these attacks as normal for any character or creature.

Hand drawn ink art from The Mutant Epoch RPG Expansion Rules book

Check it out here: