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What drives your character? Why risk life and limb in the God forsaken ruins and wastelands of The Mutant Epoch? In issue 4 we offer 50 goals and obsessions to motivate your post apocalyptic character, and much more.
EM-4 includes articles on how many adversaries a GM should throw at PCs, dice rolling methods to speed up game pace, creating handouts along with links to a heap of free sheets, the bonus offer method of character generation, more NPCs, wicked relics: Grenade Mat and Laser tipped bullets, plus three freaky creatures: the Waste Grazer, Pus Worm and Hackoid. Articles on the causes of PA factional warfare, agreed upon rendezvous, making coffee for Mel Gibson, and a new skill: Acrobatics, round out this content rich publication. Get it in PDF or print today.
This issue includes:
Creating Intriguing Handouts with 17+ free to download player hand out sheets
50 PC Goals, Drives and Obsessions
2 NPCs
3 New Creatures
2 New relics
1 Character generation system (Bonus Offer System)
29 illustrations
44 Pages
See the PDF demo here
review the art gallery for issue 4 here
Well, we got this issue out a few days late, but it is our best one yet and a bit over the standard page count at 44 pages instead of 40. This issue also introduces a new TME writer to the team: Graeme Hallett, plus, we had some special editorial help with a few articles from Audrey Deutschmann. Thanks very much to them both, as well as to game designer Danny Seedhouse for his excellent insights and opinions on the magazine.
Here is the promo text we've been using to promote issue 3....
How do your post-apocalyptic heroes know each other?
Issue 3 presents a robust article on dozens of possible ways in which characters meet up prior to the beginning of game play. We also present the Fixed Value Allotment method of character generation, two wicked NPCs, two new relics: Landmine Detection coil and Advanced Grenade
Launcher, along with three nasty creatures: The Devil Spider, Mutant Perch and Jaw Crawler. Other articles include Outfitting a Post Apocalyptic Army, Silver Coins & Ancient Currency, Character Type Rotation and Similarity, another great treasure table and much more.
Excavator Monthly is the official magazine for The Mutant Epoch milieu, covering the TME RPG, fiction, art and more. Not using the Outland System? No worries, there is a ton here that any post apocalyptic GM can utilize.
This issue includes:
2 NPCs 3 New Creatures 2 New relics 1 Treasure Table
1 Character generation system (Fixed Value Allotment)
24 illustrations & 1 Map 44 Pages
If any of you want to login over there and make some favorable comments, they would be worth their weight in silver to us. Here is the link:
How did things get this way? In this issue we tackle Apocalypse Mythology for your character, along with articles on solo-play gaming, stashing your loot, and much more.
Issue two of Excavator Monthly magazine is character focused, yet still has plenty for the Mutant Epoch game master to challenge the players with. Included in this release are more nasty creatures: the Bloat Creeper, Pipe Worm and Mouther, along with two new relics: the handy Remote Watcher and the devastating Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle. This issue also includes another popular treasure table, as well as a new character generation method called the Gambler System, a full color character sheet to copy or download, plus two more NPCs, Phaydrix the mind waster and Sgt. Cole Dodgerre, a purist bounty hunter.
Featured articles this month are a discussion on solo play gaming, how PCs can make a cache for stashing spare or empty relics securely and finally, a huge selection of Apocalypse Myths for characters, setting background and NPCs.
Even if you aren't using the Outland System game mechanic, there is plenty here for any post apocalyptic gamer to bring to the game table. 24 illustrations 40 pages
Excavator Monthly is the official magazine for The Mutant Epoch milieu, covering the TME RPG, fiction, art and more.
Highlights of what this issue includes:
2 NPCs
3 New Creatures
2 new relics
Feature Articles: Regarding Solo-play /Apocalypse Mythology/ Your Stash
Color Character Sheet
1 Treasure Table
1 Character generation system (Gambler System)24 illustrations 40 pages
PDF $3.99
Print copy $9.99
We've decided to add a few pictures form the latest issue here:
Welcome adventurer! This is the first issue of Outland Arts’ entirely The Mutant Epoch focused magazine, Excavator Monthly.
Included in this inaugural issue are articles on GM rewarded Experience Factors, another on how to handle multiple player characters, a character generation technique: the Double Barrel System, a word on some gaming blogs and podcasts, new relics: liquid flesh and the net gun, 2 NPCs and 3 mutant creatures: the creeping digester, jaw hog, and howling eviscerator. There is also a short story entitled Demon in the Depths, a write up on The Mutant Epoch website, preview of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins, and a treasure table. Finally, an extensive article on Spiderborgs as NPCs, hostile foes, or player characters.
Excavator Monthly is the official magazine for The Mutant Epoch milieu, covering the TME RPG, fiction, art and more. Not using the Outland System? No worries, there is a ton here that any post apocalyptic GM can utilize.
This issue includes:
2 NPCs
3 New Creatures
2 new relics
1 new NPC or PC race (Spiderborgs)
1 short story
1 Treasure Table
1 Character generation system (Double Barrel)
19 illustrations
40 pages
RPGnow http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=94024
Here is the first look at some of the interior illustrations from this issue....
Without much pre-launch hype, advertising or warning, we’ve released our second book in the Mutant Epoch line. The Mall of Doom adventure is available in print and PDF and already selling better than we hoped. What’s interesting is that some of the people buying it haven’t apparently bought the TME hub rules yet. Of course not all sales at RPGnow show the customers name, but still It makes me wonder if gamers collect stuff they don’t intend to play? I can see that with rule sets, as I bought the Pathfinder core rules but haven’t even rolled up a character yet, but to buy an adventure without owning the system to play it? That’s another thing.
At any rate, buyers of The Mall of Doom who are a
lso Society of Excavator members can go to the downloads by product page and grab a heap of free PDFs from the adventure including the 5 player handouts, six maps, new creature, new relics and two NPCs. But be warned, if you are not going to GM The Mall, then don’t spoil things for yourself by sneaking a peak a the important handouts and NPCs.
In other news, we are already well ahead of schedule on the full version of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins, with the layout done. The 80 or so illustrations will be the next hurtle, as we are also aiming at ramping up to the release of Excavator Monthly magazine, to be release on the 15th of each month. Our current goal is to get issue 1 out for august 15th.
After the Pitford book is on the market in September,
we will commence work on the 200+ page Crossroads Region Gazetteer, and then get to the Mutant Beastiary One book.
Whew, there is a lot to do. I can’t tell you how much the fan support on the forums and here on the blog have helped motivate me and the rest of the recruits.
Oops. Website needs a tweak here and there, and t
he kids need supper.
Again, the Mall of Doom is available as a PDF through RPGnow.com for $7.99 and a 136 page softcover book at lulu.com for $16.99
Happy Gaming
Will (Mutant Lord)
In the twisted, dark future of 24th century
In this adventure, the characters are recruited to investigate the disappearance and whereabouts of missing townsfolk beneath the recently re-inhabited farm-fortress of Walsave.
Through a series of underground expeditions, they soon discover that there is more to these kidnappings than meets the eye, and that these explorations under the Earth aren’t just a ruin-crawl into the crumbling, artifact rich confines of an ancient shopping complex. Besides the pitfalls and nightmares of the subterranean hell, they must contend with conflicting interests among the villagers as well, including raiders, a bizzare cult, and the ruling founders of this fortified settlement.
Can your characters survive the challenges that await them, or will they meet their end someplace deep below the rubble and junk of a besieged post-apocalyptic village?
The Mall of Doom uses the Outland System™ game mechanic and requires only The Mutant Epoch™hub rules RPG game book to play. Although set in the Crossroads Region over former Los Angeles, and a half day’s ride from the sprawling, poverty ridden city of Overpass, the game master can easily drop this adventure into his or her own campaign region. Designed for 6 to 10
first rank characters, this adventure could take surviving characters to the third or fourth rank. Here’s what’s included in this terrifying, fast paced adventure:
• Multi-Path adventure design: never plays the same twice. Design
ed for group gaming or
you can test your survival instincts, knowledge of The Mutant Epoch™, and wits by solo playing .
• PG14 rating due to some of the suggestive themes, horrific circumstances and descriptions; this adventure is not for the squeamish.
• 60 Illustrations • 5 Player Handouts • 6 Maps • 1 New Creature
• 2 New Relics • 136 Pages
"The Mutant Epoch is about humankind’s attempt to reclaim some semblance of civilization, calling upon its best and boldest to uncover the lost knowledge and power of the old ones."