Thursday, December 6, 2012
Outland Arts Mailing Address
Outland Arts
1860 Lodgepole Drive
British Columbia
V1S 1X8
Sorry about that,
Mutants under the Christmas tree? Our First mail order bundle is here!
So, we've posted this to the site, SOE forum, and twitter, and now here on the blog. I feel like I should be wearing a checkered suit and working at a used car lot promoting this, but I know a few of you have been asking about signed copies and mail order deals so here goes....
The Megaton Mail Order Bundle
Get it for just $79.99+shippingTotal Bundle Value $137.51 You Save $57.52
This is it! Everything you need to start running The Mutant Epoch Role-Playing Game!
Get it all in one box! This set includes a stack of our books, 32 game sheets, bookmarks, a pencil, set of polyhedron dice and a limited
edition, hand pulled, hand painted, signed, polyhedron dice lino print. In addition, you also get a PDF copy of the Hub Rules, or any other book
in our line instead, delivered electronically as soon as we get your order so you can get started right away!

The Megaton Bundle Includes:
► The Mutant Epoch RPG Hub Rules signed and sealed by the author
► The Mall of Doom adventure TME-1
► Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins
► Excavator Monthly Compendium
► 20 character sheets
► GM sheet screen inserts (8 sheets*) How used?
► 4 GM's Party reference sheets
► 5 TME bookmarks
► Pencil
► Set of polyhedron dice See them here
► Limited edition, hand pulled, hand painted, signed, polyhedron dice lino print. See it here
► Free PDF of any book in our line*** 8.5 x 11” sheets for attaching to a homemade GM screen or insertion into the popular Hammerdog's double-sided folding vinyl GM screen
** Sent the first business day your order arrives, allowing you to check out the rules while you wait for the delivery of your physical books.
Already got the PDF, then let us know of another title we carry and we’ll substitute it!
Postage rates to the following countries or regions are as follows:
To USA add $29.02+79.99 CAD = $109.60 USD (parcel takes about 5 days and is insured)
To Canada add 18.00+79.99 CAD = $97.99 CAD
To UK add $50.78+79.99 CAD = £82.10 GBP
To Australia add $56.15+79.99 CAD = $131.77 AUD
To Europe add $56.15+79.99 CAD = €102.45 EU
Other international orders add $56.15+79.99 CAD = $136.14 USD
Please use the total price (shipping +79.99 CAD as shown above) for your country or region. Purchases can be made using paypal with funds sent to or send a check or money order payable to:
What a deal! The four books contained in this set retail at $96.96 alone. At $79.99 you already save $16.97 before all the other extras are added in! We only keep a limited supply of inventory at our game design studio so order your box today!
Friday, October 19, 2012
Here is the link:

I'll also post this on the private Society of Excavator's Forum.
Have a great weekend
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Post-Apocalyptic Art Thread started at
The art doesn't have to be just from published games or books, and is open to emerging and hobby artists as well. We are more after the spirit of the post-apocalyptic genre than polished illustrations. Believe me, some of the stuff I draw even for The Mutant Epoch isn't always as polished as I'd like, and looking back at earlier inks often makes me cringe and wish I could change this or that about an image. So if you've got something you'd like to share, or even just want to stop by and make a comment, it sure would sure be appreciated!
The one thing I ask is that you only post stuff you have the rights to publish so no scans from old Gamma World books and stuff as there are legal issues I d on't want to be involved with. Although, a companion thread of classic PA art would be great fun if somebody wanted to start something like that at or enworld, etc.
Here's the link:
Monday, October 1, 2012
Crossroads Region Gazetteer Art set 1
The first stack of freshly inked art for The Crossroads Region book is now done, getting scanned and placed in the huge book's layout. Where are we at with this? Well, the first 100 pencil illustrations are done and about half are inked. As there are 300 illustrations plus more than 30 maps, we still have a fair ways to go. Thing is, this is a full time gig for me and I am entirely focused on this book. What does this mean? Maybe I suffer from an over stimulated sense of optimism, as always, but if all goes well we can release the book in mid to late November?
So, our main gallery for this book will permanently reside at our website at where we currently have three pages of imagery. If you want a better view of these and other images, I recommend you check out that gallery.
In other news we are just now releasing issue 13 of our newsletter, Outland Arts Insider, so if you aren't on the mailing list for that, and want to be, then go here.
Now here's the art... enjoy...
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
My copies of Excavator Monthly Compendium just arrived!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Just thought I'd post here to let you know that and are having their Christmas in January sale from the 23rd to the 30th of July. All our PDFs are 25% off.
In other news, we are working hard on The Crossroads Region Gazetteer, and oh my God its going to be about 420 pages once all the art and maps are put in! I am afraid that we are looking at a release day of late September or early October on this one. Of course, our 25mm or 28mm TME paper miniatures will start coming out soon so there will be some new content every month. Our first set will be 25 player characters, with both full color and ink variants in each set.
Happy gaming and stay cool out there,
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Great Indie RPG Giveaway and Excavator Monthly Compendium
Have you heard about the Great Indie RPG Giveaway contest over at Roleplayers Chronicle? Its free to enter and you can try and win each of 5 huge indie RPG prize packs. We're of course donating a print copy of the TME Hub Rules and intend to give away much more next year. The entry deadline is July 22nd so hurry up and check it out.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Pitford: Gateway to the ruins released today!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
I am very excited about this now, 200 page book, especially as it is our first big production since The Mall of Doom last summer, and a departure from the Excavator Monthly sized publications.
Anyhow, here is the text and the cover art to follow,
Have a great weekend and talk at you again Monday.
Best Regards,

Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Back from the brink
At any rate, I have had a chance to get recent interior illustrations scanned and touched up. Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins will be a week or two late due to my surgery, but I am still aiming for a release late this month.
Thanks to all of who who offered their kind thoughts and well wishing regarding my injury. While I still have bandages on my abdomen and ache if I bend a certain way or breath deeply, I am on the mend and in the studio. Time to play catch up and finish the last set of images for the book.
In the meantime, here is a heap of new art that, as of today, I haven't posted anyplace else. They are much larger than the appear here so if you wanna closer look, just click on an image. Previous imagery for the book can be found at the Pitford art gallery page here.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Guest Blog posts anyone?
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Where are we going?
The Mutant epoch role playing game has been out for less than a year and going stronger than ever. Before I get any further in this post I just wanted to thank everybody who has supported the game, either as a buyer, editor, writer, artist, industry ally, SOE member, newsletter subscriber, twitter follower, play tester, family member, shop owner or friend.
As you will see below, we are only just getting started.
March was our second best month ever for sales, only a few copies behind December. The success and warm response by fans and industry professionals has greatly added to my motivation and dedication to the growth of the TME milieu, as well as the tabletop gaming in general. So where are we going as a company, at least along the lines of The Mutant Epoch? Larger source books is the answer.
While other writers are working on new source books and supplements, I am spending my days drawing then inking the art for Pitford Gateway to the Ruins and a third of the way through the completed imagery for the book. By the end of April I’d like to have all the 111 illustrations at least penciled if not inked. Once the art is done and inserted into the layout, the book will get one or two more editorial reads and then she’s off to press for mid May.
Larger books seems to be what the audience wants, although the Excavator Monthly Issues were a blast to do and about half the TME gamership purchase them. The thing is, as convenient and affordable as PDFs are, people seem like physical books, and to get real value from physical printing and shipping costs, a larger book is the way to go.
So here is what we are up to, showing what order the next books will be released:
Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins 188 pages/ Coming May 2012/ Print $22.99, PDF $10.99
The Crossroads Region 330 to 360 pages/ Coming Late Summer 2012/ Print $32.99, PDF $14.99
Mutant Beastiary One 104 to 112 pages/ Coming Fall 2012/ Print $16.99, PDF $7.99
Adventure TME
Adventure TME 3 Nuke Tower 200+ pages/ Coming Early 2013
Looking into our crystal ball, 2013 has us working on the following titles:
· TME Expansion Rules Book
· Adventure TME 4 The Flesh Weavers
· The Shattered Region Gazetteer
· A novel Trilogy based in the Shallow Sea Region just north of the Crossroads Region
· The
· Mutant Beastiary Two
Closely related to The Mutant Epoch and using the Outland System we will also be pressing on with our Fantasy RPG, the name not yet announced as we are still resolving copyright and trademark issues, not to mention domain name purchases.
Yes, this is a hell of a list and a lot of work ahead of us. The good news is that most of these books are written and in editorial and art phase, so they exist already, including the novel trilogy. This is, after all, my full time job. Outland Arts is something I have been working toward since I was in high school, many, many years ago, even though I didn’t always know it. Everything I’ve done in my creative and work life as been toward this dream lifestyle. What words can I use to describe how good it feels when Monday morning comes around and I get to come down to the new studio and work on The Mutant Epoch? I owe this rewarding way of life to those who’ve helped me get here, those I listed above. Thank you. I will do my best to see that Outland Arts releases more and even better products in the months ahead.
Will McAusland
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Excavator Monthly Issue 6 is here!

Another special feature in this issue is Tiny Terrors; 12 nasty critters to keep your players on their toes including mutant black widow spiders, jumping wood ticks, saw jawed newts and grass leeches to name a few. We also cover how to assign NPCs for your players to control complete with a randomized selection, articles on the difference between scavengers and excavators, outrunning your comrades, two new NPCs: Graydon the Mad and Zako the Dealer, along with the survival Pistol and Over-Armor-Tac-Harness for new relics.
Special Critter Issue: Tiny Terrors:: 12 nasty little beasts
2 NPCs
20 Player Character Stereotypes types
Player Controlled NPCs
Outrun Your Comrades
Scavengers and Excavators
Print price $9.99 sold through
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Excavator Monthly Issue 5 just released!

Camping out in the ruins is insane! But sometimes things go wrong and your dig team has no choice. If you’re gonna do it, then issue 5 explains how. While the hapless PC’s are having their sleep over in the rubble heaps, why not terrorize them? For the GM, we have an article on introducing horror into your post apocalyptic campaign.
Excavator Monthly is the official magazine for The Mutant Epoch milieu, covering the TME RPG, fiction, art and more. Not using the Outland System? No worries, there is a ton here that any post apocalyptic GM can utilize.
This issue includes:
Terrorize Them! Horror in a PA setting
2 NPCs
3 New Creatures
4 New relics
Generic Excavator Character type
Camping In The Ruins
Archery Skill
Ruin Ecology
Treasure Table EM4
25 illustration
40 pages
Demo Link: